Thank you my dears!! These past few days, have really been discouraged and weak but I am grateful you guys are here for me and gave me all the love I need... A lot of things have happened and I am not allowed to show a weak face most of the time, in order not to get mom and dad worrying... But its hard to keep a happy face every single minute and I am so grateful to have people whom I can retreat to and who I can trust to have some guidance and cheering up from... You guys made me realize that somehow I was such a fool or maybe even a bitch... Thanks for being truthful and being kind to me...
Thank you Sandra, for making time to high tea today as a celebration... Sorry we didn't go sing k...
Thank you Chidong~ First, for the
Dreamcatcher you got from Canada... It is sparkling on my neck right now... I never told u about the nightmares I have but you got me the perfect thing!!! We sure are a great match, haha... And secondly, thanks for all the maple stuff... The mini tea box and the candy... I thought it would be maple nougats but tea is much better because it doesn't make me fat at all... I was gonna try the candy but it is so precious (I only got 2!!) I'll leave it until my big day... And thirdly, thanks for driving me around today in the rain... Your car is almost the best place to have a chat... I just can't stop looking out of the window I know, haha...
Thank you Lawrence and Katie, for planning to come... I am so looking forward to it but I'm glad you guys still remembered me and will make the trip soon (hopefully?)... Too bad there is a typhoon and there are no rooms... And for the MTR Hello Kitty!!! Haha, it is so cute I want it so bad now...
Thank you Yuki~ For talking to me on MSN... I know it is so cliche but I really believe it is a deed of God to bring you to me on that day... And you know, things haven't changed since that day but I realized rather than be sad about it, I should be grateful for having family and friends beside me... God has it all planned out... I should learn from you... And yes, this is the fourth birthday already... And you asked for my address so I think you are sending me something?! Hehe, thank you so much in advance!! God bless...
Oh, and thank you Angie for getting me something, and asking Alanis to bring it back... I miss your cooking, and of course Mr Shan's grilled veggies and pasta... And I miss "water cook fish"...
And Liz, thanks for waking up in the afternoon after so little sleep... You rest more and we can celebrate after you quit working in "hell"... And when will you introduce me to all those guys? You got the best one, right? So let me choose from the rest!! And don't bother giving me anything this year, I just want to see you!!!!!
Nah, I got so many friends!! I can never express all the gratitude... I love you guys!!!