今天諸事不順... 首先,回到了巴黎時間... 睡不著,有點納悶... 打算給某人燒dvd,讓他可以看英文字幕的黃金甲... 結果試了好幾次都不成功,每次燒到一半那個燒碟機就把碟嘔出來... 我才發現我的燒碟機壞了... 還浪費了我好幾張碟... 很生氣...
起床後,把自己拉出房間,打算出去走走順便交上網費,結果校園卡的錢被扣掉了整整100元 ,電腦卻顯示沒有交費... 於是又要再走一次去理教. 那個人說要先在1158室開證明,然後再到1353室調度室跟那個負責人解釋,我的那100元才可以加進去... ok,於是我決定為了那'大拿拿'100元上山下海... 結果是,放假了,那兩個室都沒人... 我的100元拿不回來,還要假期回來不能上網... 於是只好又加100元進我的帳戶... 那我今天無原無故的少了100元... 回來之後還不知道能不能拿回我那已經交過的錢...
算啦,反正北大的電腦系統一向都好不到哪裡... 只好認命了... 回房間時打算找個司機送我去機場,結果找不到... 回到房間,放了衣服近洗衣機,結果洗完了忘了去拿... 記得的時候,衣服已經被人放在烘乾機上... 真的不知道要再洗一次還是怎樣...
然後就跟娟娟去吃飯,但是身上沒有零錢,要他幫我付... 連咖啡也是他請我的... 慚愧... 回家的路上還要看到某人打訊息罵我,叫我回家,讓他發脾氣... 真的是氣死了... 很久都沒有這麼大的委屈感了... 氣得大步大步的走回家... 娟娟對不起... (之後吵到甚麼樣,真的不想提... 從來沒有在吵架時,佔過下風的我,今天真的有點失利... 看來是技術生鏽了...)
阿阿阿阿阿阿... 今天怎麼這樣... 唉,我還是早點睡,希望明天不會那麼黑了...
Friday, January 26, 2007
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
something to cure my boredness
Name: Herminia
Gender: F
1) When showering, do you start the water and then get in or get in and start the water?
- get in and then start the water.
2) Do you read the labels on the shampoo bottle?
- yes, i like to try pronouncing those names of the chemical ingredients
3) Do you moan in the shower like the people on the herbal essence commercials?
- who does?????!!!!
5) Have you ever been forced to shower with one of your siblings?
- i dont have a sibling.
6.) Have you ever brushed your teeth in the shower?
- no. i think that's a pretty gross thing to do.
7) Have you ever dropped your soap on your foot?
- no. that would hurt so bad.
8) How old do you look?
- most people think im under 20 but im already 23.
9) How old do you act?
- i act like a retard. i buy mcdonald's happy meals for the toys, i will give up shopping for cartoon hour on tv, i watch sesame street (elmo). so go figure.
10) What's the last song you heard/sang?
- "qin qin" by fish leong
11) Have you recently become a member of anything?
- nope. im a loner and i enjoy solitude.
12) What are your plans for the weekend?
- board a plane and go back home, maybe... but if not, then i plan on being unproductive as always.
13) What is your mood at the moment?
- dissatisfied?!
14.) Have you ever ridden a mechanical bull?
- no way!! but i might try if i got really drunk. that thing is dangerous!!
15) Do you ever intentionally vomit after drinking?
- no. i tried to and it doesnt work. so i gave up drinking altogether.
16) If you were working on a pirate ship, what would you most likely be?
- the parrot on the captain's shoulder mimicking people's words and begging for bread crumbs.
17) Have you ever called anyone a slut?
- no...
18) Has anyone ever called you a slut?
- no!
19) Have you ever smuggled something into Canada?
- no. i havent even been to canada.
20) Does playing a guitar make someone more attractive?
- yup. i like guys with an interest in music.
21) Do you live in a city with a good sports team?
- haha, well, beijing has good sports teams i think, but i dont know any of them. and macau... well, i guess sports is dead in macau.
22) Have you ever finished off the popcorn?
- yup. awwww, the lovely pink panther popcorn i got in japan...
23) Have you ever turned someone down for a date?
- yeah. cuz they inappropriately scheduled for a lunch date and that is the time i go to bed.
24) What's your favorite super-hero?
- elastigirl!!!!!!!
25) Do you have more enemies or more friends?
- no enemies, only rivals, haha.
26) Have you ever sent an anonymous letter?
- no...
27) Can you fix your own car?
- i dont have a car.
29) Are you smarter than your friends?
- we excel in different things. im good being unproductive and they are good doing the opposite.
30) Have you ever stolen anything from your friends?
- haha, i never remember to return borrowed stuff. does that qualify as stealing?
31) Have you ever been to jail?
- NO!!! im such a coward i cant even kill a bug. how can i do something that brings me to jail?
32) Last thing you bought over 50 dollars?
- my tiffany ring.
33) Do you like the smell of beer?
- haha, yeah!! but i dont like drinking it.
34) Have you ever died or killed someone in a dream?
- i have dreamt a million times being a wandering ghost so i guess im dead in my dreams?
35) Have you ever given to charity?
- yes. hard to just pass the donation box when the whole class is looking, right?
36) Would you kill a dog for $1000?
- no. am afraid of them!!
37) Do you ever get depressed?
- im always depressed. i just get MORE depressed.
38) Do you live with your parents?
- when im back in macau, yes. cant afford the rent on my own.
39) Do you have plans for your future?
- sort of...
You are
[x] under 5'4
[_] 5'4"-5'5"
[_] 5'5"-5.6"
[_] 5'6.5 - 5'7 ''
[_] 5'7" - 6'0
[_] tall (6.1 and up)
[_] blonde
[_] redhead
[_] brunette
[_] dirty blonde
[_] brownish
[_] dark brown
[x] black
[_] red/light brown
[_] don't Know, dyed Too Much
[_] blue-eyed
[_] brown-eyed
[x] black-eyed
[_] green-eyed
[_] hazel-eyed
[_] gold/gray-eyed
[_] silver/gray- eyed
[_] blue/green-eyed
[_] blue/gray-eyed
[_] green/gray-eyed
[_] they change colors
[_] amber
[_] glasses
[_] contacts
[_] neither (at the moment)
[x] both
[_] medium hair
[x] kinda long hair
[_] short hair
Your favourite color(s) are?
[_] red
[_] khaki
[_] aqua
[_] pink
[_] hot pink
[x] yellow
[_] black
[_] green
[_] lime green
[x] blue
[_] white
[_] turquoise
[_] silver
[x] purple
[_] brown
[_] orange
[x] grey
[_] fushcia
[_] maroon
[_] gold
[_] teal
[_] coral
[_] clear
[_] bronze
[_] I don't really care
[_] rainbow
[_] I basically like all colors
[_] except for yellow. and pink. and purple.
Your personality is sometimes...
[x] talkative
[x] shy
[x] funny
[x] serious
[x] laid back
[_] strict
[_] hyper
[_] sarcastic
[_] I have multiple personalities
You like listening to:
[x] pop
[_] country
[_] Christian
[x] orchestral/classical
[_] techno
[x] oldies
[x] opera
[_] soca ??? again wtf...
[_] 80's
[_] disco
[_] rap
[_] classic rock
[_] pop punk
[_] metal
[_] reggae
[_] rock
[x] alt/indie rock
[_] emo
[_] foreign rock
[_] ska
[x] lots of different stuff
[_] dancehall
The pets you have HAD
[_] cat
[_] dog
[_] lizard
[_] rat
[_] mouse
[_] ferret
[x] bunny
[x] fish
[_] horse
[_] frog
[_] hermit crab
[x] turtle
[_] hamster
[_] snake
[_] gerbil
[_] guinea pig
[_] pig
[_] goat
[_] chinchilla
[_] tarantula
[_] geese
[_] baby chicks
[_] baby ducklings
[_] none
[_] hedgehog
[_] snail
[_] piranha
[_] parrot
[_] newt
[_] pigeon
Your confessions:
[_] I'm afraid of silence
[x] I am really ticklish
[x] I'm afraid of the dark!
[x] I've collected comic books
[x] I sometimes shut out others
[x] I open up to others TOO easily
[x] I read the newspaper
[x] I love Disney movies
[x] I am a sucker for gorgeous eyes
[x] I am a sucker for gorgeous smile
[_] I don't kill bugs-
[_] I have "x"s in my screen name
[x] I bake well
[_] I have worn pajamas to class
[_] I love Martha Stewart
[x] I am guilty of tYpInG lIkE tHiS
[x] I am self-conscious
[x] I love to laugh
[x] I can't swallow pills
[_] I bite my nails
[x] I play computer games when I'm bored
[_] I have gotten lost in the city
[_] I have gone out in public in my pajamas
[x] I made out in an elevator
[_] I have been skydiving
[_] I have been bungee jumping
[x] I have bitten someone
[_] I have egged or rolled a house/car/telephone booth.
[_] I have smashed into a car (more like hit)
[_] I have been fired
[_] I have been skinny dipping
Have you ever...
[x] seen a shooting star
[_] joke proposed to anyone
[_] gotten stitches
[x] eaten Sushi
[x] gotten the chicken pox
[x] ridden in a taxi
[_] been on a cruise ship
[x] driven over 400 miles in one day
[x] been on a plane by yourself
[_] had surgery
[_] seen a movie more than 3 times in the theater
[x] been on stage
[_] gotten a black eye
[_] memorized all the dialogue in a movie
[_] watched an entire baseball game
Do you like...
[_] old movies
[x] musicals
[x] blasting music in your car/or someone else's
[x] foreign foods
[_] gameboy Pokemon
[x] Christmas time
[_] animals
[_] coffee
[x] tea
[x] summer
[x] winter
Two Names You Go By:
hermin and mina
Two Things You Are Wearing Right Now:
my izzue CAT tee and my old levi's 501 which are actually too small for me/
Two Places You Want to go on Vacation:
New York and Athens
Two favorite animals?
i don't like animals. but i could live with bunnies and fish.
Two Things You Want in a Relationship other than Real Love:
-- that's hard to say. actually i think real love brings everything into the relationship. but who knows...
Two Reasons you're doing this survey:
im bored and i dont wanna do my hw
Spell your name without vowels:
hrmn (its actually pretty hard to do this...)
How many pairs of jeans do you own?:
What color(s) do you wear most often?:
Last song heard on the radio?
i dont listen to the radio except when im on a cab.
Are you missing someone right now?
yup. a lot of someones.
What's for dinner tonight?
bread, peanut butter, milk, etc.
Are you happy with your life right now?
no and i hope it will get better
[Do you own a...]
- PS2?: no
- XBOX?: no
- XBOX 360?: no
- PSP?: yes
- Gamecube?: no
- A digital camera?: yes
- A wii?: want to.
Do you shop at stores like Aeropostale and American Eagle?
would love to.
How do you make money?
being a good daughter and hanging out with my family during chinese new year and maybe my birthday.
Last thing you bought?
hot kirin milk tea.
How's the weather?
crispy cold but sunny.
When do you start summer break?
hm... i really dont know.
Favorite pair of shoes:
my air force ones. and my silver heels from fin.
Do you own big sunglasses?
no. i look like a bug if i wear one.
Do you find yourself attractive?
no. i look like bugs bunny and i dont think bugs bunny is attractive to anyone.
What should you be doing right now?
sleeping or doing my hw.
Who did you hug today?
i dont really like hugging people.
How many beds did you lay in yesterday?
Name one thing that you do everyday?
What's the color of your bedroom walls?
pale pink
How much cash do you have on you right now?
i dont count money like this.
What’s your favorite sport?
walking up and down the stairs.
When was the last time you saw your dad?
almost half a year ago.
What did you have for dinner last night?
i gave up dinner last night for knitting in my bed.
Look to your left, what do you see
a pile of clothes i dont really wear.
Do you have plants in your room?
What's your favorite starbucks drink?
iced caramel macchiato and caramel frappuccino ice blended cream.
Recent time you were really upset?
im depressed enough. i dont feel being upset.
Gender: F
1) When showering, do you start the water and then get in or get in and start the water?
- get in and then start the water.
2) Do you read the labels on the shampoo bottle?
- yes, i like to try pronouncing those names of the chemical ingredients
3) Do you moan in the shower like the people on the herbal essence commercials?
- who does?????!!!!
5) Have you ever been forced to shower with one of your siblings?
- i dont have a sibling.
6.) Have you ever brushed your teeth in the shower?
- no. i think that's a pretty gross thing to do.
7) Have you ever dropped your soap on your foot?
- no. that would hurt so bad.
8) How old do you look?
- most people think im under 20 but im already 23.
9) How old do you act?
- i act like a retard. i buy mcdonald's happy meals for the toys, i will give up shopping for cartoon hour on tv, i watch sesame street (elmo). so go figure.
10) What's the last song you heard/sang?
- "qin qin" by fish leong
11) Have you recently become a member of anything?
- nope. im a loner and i enjoy solitude.
12) What are your plans for the weekend?
- board a plane and go back home, maybe... but if not, then i plan on being unproductive as always.
13) What is your mood at the moment?
- dissatisfied?!
14.) Have you ever ridden a mechanical bull?
- no way!! but i might try if i got really drunk. that thing is dangerous!!
15) Do you ever intentionally vomit after drinking?
- no. i tried to and it doesnt work. so i gave up drinking altogether.
16) If you were working on a pirate ship, what would you most likely be?
- the parrot on the captain's shoulder mimicking people's words and begging for bread crumbs.
17) Have you ever called anyone a slut?
- no...
18) Has anyone ever called you a slut?
- no!
19) Have you ever smuggled something into Canada?
- no. i havent even been to canada.
20) Does playing a guitar make someone more attractive?
- yup. i like guys with an interest in music.
21) Do you live in a city with a good sports team?
- haha, well, beijing has good sports teams i think, but i dont know any of them. and macau... well, i guess sports is dead in macau.
22) Have you ever finished off the popcorn?
- yup. awwww, the lovely pink panther popcorn i got in japan...
23) Have you ever turned someone down for a date?
- yeah. cuz they inappropriately scheduled for a lunch date and that is the time i go to bed.
24) What's your favorite super-hero?
- elastigirl!!!!!!!
25) Do you have more enemies or more friends?
- no enemies, only rivals, haha.
26) Have you ever sent an anonymous letter?
- no...
27) Can you fix your own car?
- i dont have a car.
29) Are you smarter than your friends?
- we excel in different things. im good being unproductive and they are good doing the opposite.
30) Have you ever stolen anything from your friends?
- haha, i never remember to return borrowed stuff. does that qualify as stealing?
31) Have you ever been to jail?
- NO!!! im such a coward i cant even kill a bug. how can i do something that brings me to jail?
32) Last thing you bought over 50 dollars?
- my tiffany ring.
33) Do you like the smell of beer?
- haha, yeah!! but i dont like drinking it.
34) Have you ever died or killed someone in a dream?
- i have dreamt a million times being a wandering ghost so i guess im dead in my dreams?
35) Have you ever given to charity?
- yes. hard to just pass the donation box when the whole class is looking, right?
36) Would you kill a dog for $1000?
- no. am afraid of them!!
37) Do you ever get depressed?
- im always depressed. i just get MORE depressed.
38) Do you live with your parents?
- when im back in macau, yes. cant afford the rent on my own.
39) Do you have plans for your future?
- sort of...
You are
[x] under 5'4
[_] 5'4"-5'5"
[_] 5'5"-5.6"
[_] 5'6.5 - 5'7 ''
[_] 5'7" - 6'0
[_] tall (6.1 and up)
[_] blonde
[_] redhead
[_] brunette
[_] dirty blonde
[_] brownish
[_] dark brown
[x] black
[_] red/light brown
[_] don't Know, dyed Too Much
[_] blue-eyed
[_] brown-eyed
[x] black-eyed
[_] green-eyed
[_] hazel-eyed
[_] gold/gray-eyed
[_] silver/gray- eyed
[_] blue/green-eyed
[_] blue/gray-eyed
[_] green/gray-eyed
[_] they change colors
[_] amber
[_] glasses
[_] contacts
[_] neither (at the moment)
[x] both
[_] medium hair
[x] kinda long hair
[_] short hair
Your favourite color(s) are?
[_] red
[_] khaki
[_] aqua
[_] pink
[_] hot pink
[x] yellow
[_] black
[_] green
[_] lime green
[x] blue
[_] white
[_] turquoise
[_] silver
[x] purple
[_] brown
[_] orange
[x] grey
[_] fushcia
[_] maroon
[_] gold
[_] teal
[_] coral
[_] clear
[_] bronze
[_] I don't really care
[_] rainbow
[_] I basically like all colors
[_] except for yellow. and pink. and purple.
Your personality is sometimes...
[x] talkative
[x] shy
[x] funny
[x] serious
[x] laid back
[_] strict
[_] hyper
[_] sarcastic
[_] I have multiple personalities
You like listening to:
[x] pop
[_] country
[_] Christian
[x] orchestral/classical
[_] techno
[x] oldies
[x] opera
[_] soca ??? again wtf...
[_] 80's
[_] disco
[_] rap
[_] classic rock
[_] pop punk
[_] metal
[_] reggae
[_] rock
[x] alt/indie rock
[_] emo
[_] foreign rock
[_] ska
[x] lots of different stuff
[_] dancehall
The pets you have HAD
[_] cat
[_] dog
[_] lizard
[_] rat
[_] mouse
[_] ferret
[x] bunny
[x] fish
[_] horse
[_] frog
[_] hermit crab
[x] turtle
[_] hamster
[_] snake
[_] gerbil
[_] guinea pig
[_] pig
[_] goat
[_] chinchilla
[_] tarantula
[_] geese
[_] baby chicks
[_] baby ducklings
[_] none
[_] hedgehog
[_] snail
[_] piranha
[_] parrot
[_] newt
[_] pigeon
Your confessions:
[_] I'm afraid of silence
[x] I am really ticklish
[x] I'm afraid of the dark!
[x] I've collected comic books
[x] I sometimes shut out others
[x] I open up to others TOO easily
[x] I read the newspaper
[x] I love Disney movies
[x] I am a sucker for gorgeous eyes
[x] I am a sucker for gorgeous smile
[_] I don't kill bugs-
[_] I have "x"s in my screen name
[x] I bake well
[_] I have worn pajamas to class
[_] I love Martha Stewart
[x] I am guilty of tYpInG lIkE tHiS
[x] I am self-conscious
[x] I love to laugh
[x] I can't swallow pills
[_] I bite my nails
[x] I play computer games when I'm bored
[_] I have gotten lost in the city
[_] I have gone out in public in my pajamas
[x] I made out in an elevator
[_] I have been skydiving
[_] I have been bungee jumping
[x] I have bitten someone
[_] I have egged or rolled a house/car/telephone booth.
[_] I have smashed into a car (more like hit)
[_] I have been fired
[_] I have been skinny dipping
Have you ever...
[x] seen a shooting star
[_] joke proposed to anyone
[_] gotten stitches
[x] eaten Sushi
[x] gotten the chicken pox
[x] ridden in a taxi
[_] been on a cruise ship
[x] driven over 400 miles in one day
[x] been on a plane by yourself
[_] had surgery
[_] seen a movie more than 3 times in the theater
[x] been on stage
[_] gotten a black eye
[_] memorized all the dialogue in a movie
[_] watched an entire baseball game
Do you like...
[_] old movies
[x] musicals
[x] blasting music in your car/or someone else's
[x] foreign foods
[_] gameboy Pokemon
[x] Christmas time
[_] animals
[_] coffee
[x] tea
[x] summer
[x] winter
Two Names You Go By:
hermin and mina
Two Things You Are Wearing Right Now:
my izzue CAT tee and my old levi's 501 which are actually too small for me/
Two Places You Want to go on Vacation:
New York and Athens
Two favorite animals?
i don't like animals. but i could live with bunnies and fish.
Two Things You Want in a Relationship other than Real Love:
-- that's hard to say. actually i think real love brings everything into the relationship. but who knows...
Two Reasons you're doing this survey:
im bored and i dont wanna do my hw
Spell your name without vowels:
hrmn (its actually pretty hard to do this...)
How many pairs of jeans do you own?:
What color(s) do you wear most often?:
Last song heard on the radio?
i dont listen to the radio except when im on a cab.
Are you missing someone right now?
yup. a lot of someones.
What's for dinner tonight?
bread, peanut butter, milk, etc.
Are you happy with your life right now?
no and i hope it will get better
[Do you own a...]
- PS2?: no
- XBOX?: no
- XBOX 360?: no
- PSP?: yes
- Gamecube?: no
- A digital camera?: yes
- A wii?: want to.
Do you shop at stores like Aeropostale and American Eagle?
would love to.
How do you make money?
being a good daughter and hanging out with my family during chinese new year and maybe my birthday.
Last thing you bought?
hot kirin milk tea.
How's the weather?
crispy cold but sunny.
When do you start summer break?
hm... i really dont know.
Favorite pair of shoes:
my air force ones. and my silver heels from fin.
Do you own big sunglasses?
no. i look like a bug if i wear one.
Do you find yourself attractive?
no. i look like bugs bunny and i dont think bugs bunny is attractive to anyone.
What should you be doing right now?
sleeping or doing my hw.
Who did you hug today?
i dont really like hugging people.
How many beds did you lay in yesterday?
Name one thing that you do everyday?
What's the color of your bedroom walls?
pale pink
How much cash do you have on you right now?
i dont count money like this.
What’s your favorite sport?
walking up and down the stairs.
When was the last time you saw your dad?
almost half a year ago.
What did you have for dinner last night?
i gave up dinner last night for knitting in my bed.
Look to your left, what do you see
a pile of clothes i dont really wear.
Do you have plants in your room?
What's your favorite starbucks drink?
iced caramel macchiato and caramel frappuccino ice blended cream.
Recent time you were really upset?
im depressed enough. i dont feel being upset.
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
too many absurd ideas...
exams are finally over... and i am still in beijing, basically doing nothing but spending a whole lot of money and getting more and more useless stuff... and with all the time around, i have come up with more and more absurd ideas on how to spend this time here before i go back home... ideas are as follows:
1. grow some tulips. tulips are my favorite flowers, and i think this is the only one thing that i have not stopped liking or grew tired of. i remember tulips are pretty cheap here in beijing, but they tend to die shortly after blooming. i want to see if i can plant a tulip on my own, a different breed which lasts longer, and in more appealing color. so i researched online just now (yes i am too bored!) and i think it would be perfect if i can grow some single late tulips in pink or some spring green viridiflora tulips. maybe i will research more tomorrow morning and then i can go to the flower market and try to make it work.
2. go to the school gym and take a hip-hop dancing or belly dance class. i was doing some "exercise/moves" today when i saw the person in the mirror (that's me) is basically making ugly wiggles with arms and legs that doesnt even look remotely coordinated. so maybe i should take dance classes to save my pathetic body parts. but why choose hip-hop or belly dance i really don't know.
3. take up "feng shui" or "i-ching" or astrology or tarot or any other superstitious field of study. i have always believed in fortune-telling, and so i might just stop listening to what other "fortune-tellers" tell me and see for myself. my mom taught me a lot already, but i need to learn more. and when i gained enough knowledge/wisdom, i can use my expertise to "help" some of the rich people i know from here in beida and then make them pay me a lot of money. then i can be a self-made millionaire just like "mr. so man fung". that man is a genius!!
4. try out everything on the "rabbit" korean take-out menu. been ordering the same things again and again and refused to try new stuff. time to see if i can survive on just lettuce and kimchi-related stuff.
aahhh, i'm finally sleepy. yay!! after so many hours of being wide awake, i can stop typing random sh*t and go sleep!! *yawns*
1. grow some tulips. tulips are my favorite flowers, and i think this is the only one thing that i have not stopped liking or grew tired of. i remember tulips are pretty cheap here in beijing, but they tend to die shortly after blooming. i want to see if i can plant a tulip on my own, a different breed which lasts longer, and in more appealing color. so i researched online just now (yes i am too bored!) and i think it would be perfect if i can grow some single late tulips in pink or some spring green viridiflora tulips. maybe i will research more tomorrow morning and then i can go to the flower market and try to make it work.
2. go to the school gym and take a hip-hop dancing or belly dance class. i was doing some "exercise/moves" today when i saw the person in the mirror (that's me) is basically making ugly wiggles with arms and legs that doesnt even look remotely coordinated. so maybe i should take dance classes to save my pathetic body parts. but why choose hip-hop or belly dance i really don't know.
3. take up "feng shui" or "i-ching" or astrology or tarot or any other superstitious field of study. i have always believed in fortune-telling, and so i might just stop listening to what other "fortune-tellers" tell me and see for myself. my mom taught me a lot already, but i need to learn more. and when i gained enough knowledge/wisdom, i can use my expertise to "help" some of the rich people i know from here in beida and then make them pay me a lot of money. then i can be a self-made millionaire just like "mr. so man fung". that man is a genius!!
4. try out everything on the "rabbit" korean take-out menu. been ordering the same things again and again and refused to try new stuff. time to see if i can survive on just lettuce and kimchi-related stuff.
aahhh, i'm finally sleepy. yay!! after so many hours of being wide awake, i can stop typing random sh*t and go sleep!! *yawns*
Tuesday, January 9, 2007
The Gift by Stanley Huang
禮物 The Gift
我們到這裡結束 或許都忘掉 對我比較好
分手是給我的禮物 或許傷口 很快就會好
我們到這裡結束 或許都忘掉 對我比較好
分手是給我的禮物 或許傷口 很快就會好
我們到這裡結束 或許都忘掉 對我比較好
分手是給我們的禮物 愛不完美 都是我不好
我們到這裡結束 或許都忘掉 對我比較好
分手是給我的禮物 或許傷口 很快就會好
我們到這裡結束 或許都忘掉 對我比較好
分手是給我的禮物 或許傷口 很快就會好
我們到這裡結束 或許都忘掉 對我比較好
分手是給我們的禮物 愛不完美 都是我不好
Monday, January 1, 2007
wow, so its already 2007... happy new year!!! it is new year as well as my roomie's birthday, so yay!! it's a new start... i hope things get better (and better) this year :)
looking back at 2006, there are a lot of things i haven't done, or haven't done my best... so i hope i can make amends and do better and give my best in the coming year... well, i say this every year so i don't bother making new year's resolutions again since i don't really take them seriously... i just hope i have a better attitude so things will turn out better...
many things have happened the past few days and i didnt update, due to the slow connection brought about by the taiwan earthquake -- see how fragile our so-called high-tech communications network is actually -- and also the too-much time spent doing nothing but playing windows spider solitaire...
first, there is snow!! snow on the last 2 days of 2006... pictures later cuz the connection still sux... and then i took up the habit of going to church again... and my thesis got approved by my teacher (i only have to make minor amendments)... and my roomie's birthday dinner at friday's... whoo... what a day...

and then exams are coming up... and these are the days i hate... haha...
ps. and i changed the background song from elva hsiao to "kiss me" by sixpence none the richer
looking back at 2006, there are a lot of things i haven't done, or haven't done my best... so i hope i can make amends and do better and give my best in the coming year... well, i say this every year so i don't bother making new year's resolutions again since i don't really take them seriously... i just hope i have a better attitude so things will turn out better...
many things have happened the past few days and i didnt update, due to the slow connection brought about by the taiwan earthquake -- see how fragile our so-called high-tech communications network is actually -- and also the too-much time spent doing nothing but playing windows spider solitaire...
first, there is snow!! snow on the last 2 days of 2006... pictures later cuz the connection still sux... and then i took up the habit of going to church again... and my thesis got approved by my teacher (i only have to make minor amendments)... and my roomie's birthday dinner at friday's... whoo... what a day...
and then exams are coming up... and these are the days i hate... haha...
ps. and i changed the background song from elva hsiao to "kiss me" by sixpence none the richer
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