zuzu cannot take her eyes off the rain poster that came with the magazine we bought together at the newspaper stand today... zuzu loves rain!!
zuzu can't keep herself off those black currant fruitips even though she got a really bad cough... mmm, kept on munching on sweets and chocolate even though she got a really bad cough from me...
zuzu knew i was really bored so she tried to cheer me up by asking me to take pictures for her and her friends... all her friends from my bed are here except melody (who spent the whole day in the washing machine)... zuzu wants to play with elmo too, but elmo can only gain permission to come out of the cupboard if it can stop its eyes from popping out and keep its mouth shut and not look like it has committed suicide...
zuzu taking a nap and tugging at her favorite ikea baby blanket... sleeps on the pillow right beside me every night... :) and keeping me calm and easy when i woke up from nightmares or bitchy roomie's screaming outside in the living room at the crack of dawn...
haha, yes, i think im getting crazy, blogging about my little baby piggie and all... but its just because im really too bored... all the dusting and washing and re-arranging the books and stuff can't keep me occupied all day... well, tomorrow if im still feeling bored, i will take zuzu out for a walk in campus and tell u about its adventures... well, maybe not... cuz tomorrow if i am still so bored, i will go to the bookstore again and read this book i saw... i think it helps keeping me occupied and gives me more shit to blog about here... haha
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