*換完電話第二天就開始大感冒(不知道原因)... 還出現了很久很久都沒有出現過的失聲!!!!!!!
*上課後在回家的途中,書包的拉鍊突然爆開... 幸好東西沒丟... 不過書包要買新的...
*生平第一次抽扭蛋抽到兩個一模一樣的... 是snoopy手機袋...
還有一些一些小事情,現在忘了... 不過可能是我心理作用吧...
今天去找手機袋的時候,順便想對我的ipod nano好一點,於是買了這樣一個可愛的東西... 本來想買小白兔,可是我的ipod太舊了,是第一代的,所以用不到小白兔的第二代保護套... 不過這個貓貓的也不錯... 還是這一期愛的黃色!!
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Sunday, December 9, 2007
昨天去了利基換電話... 本來一直都在用sony ericsson P1i,可是用了不到3個月,各式各樣的問題就出現了... 例如:
1. 接不到長途電話 (尤其是在關鍵的時候, 不過很有可能是ctm的問題...)
2. 一天總會有好幾個時候沒有信號 (在家裡/學校/銀行都有過這樣的情況,而我手中另外一部電話卻信號正常)
3. 通電話的時候斷線,接電話變了掛電話 (明明按著touchpad左邊那個接電話鍵,卻發現變了按拒絕來電)...
4. 常常想拿出電話拍照,那個照相機功能都要load超長時間才能用... 那天想拍下sampras的大頭照,接過因為電話太慢,大頭照變了遠照,差點連sampras的樣子也拍不到...
5. 電話的聲音質量很差... 以前在K800i很可愛的鈴聲,用在P1i的時候變得很沙啞...
熟悉我的人都知道我不是一個隨便換電話的人,可是這個電話真的讓我很懊惱... 那天在蘋果日報看到的那些sony ericsson電話送hello kitty閃燈座,所以就打電話去問問那些電話的型號和價錢,還問了如果把電話賣掉會有多少錢... 結果發現,那個用了不到3個月,買回來的時候要HKD$4680的P1i,回收價是HKD$2200多一點... 雖然很心疼,可是我用越久它越貶值,所以還是覺得快快把它賣掉更好...
昨天終於有時間(其實是爸爸終於有時間陪我)去看... 看到w580i就很喜歡... 那個賣電話的姐姐用後評語也很不錯,所以就決定了... 價錢很合理 (才HKD$2500+,雖然不是3G),只是它有三個顏色,不知道選哪一個好... 好不容易,經過很長時間的內心掙扎,終於衝破了多年"忌紅"的心理障礙,選了新推出的粉紅色... 很可愛很可愛,希望用了以後順風順水 :P
不過,打算賣掉我的舊電話的時候,才知道在短短的一個星期,我的P1i的回收價跌了差不多HKD$400,真的很"肉痛"... 舊的電話只以HKD$1900成交了... 還要補了幾百塊才能換電話... 不過算了,換了就換了,起碼現在可以拿著電話到處聽歌到處拍照,也不用擔心電話太大讓手袋沒有空位放NDS,那就ok了...
好了,要在用用我的電話才能知道會不會比P1i有所改善... 不過從拍照的角度來看,算是不錯了 :) 希望能用久一點吧...
今天在macau tower看那個da vinci展覽其中一個展品"chamber of mirrors"裡面用新電話拍的照... 那個房間有8面鏡子,在鏡子包圍下,你可以看到你的身體的任何部分,並且看到"千千萬萬"(正確說是無限個)自己的倒影... 因為要遷就手機的拍攝角度,所以拍不出那麼多個不同角度的,會縮的越來越小的倒影... 可是還是拍的不錯...
edit:如果細心一點看那張倒影圖,會看到其實我把頭髮捲了... 哈哈,是那種用電髮捲的臨時曲髮...雖然做了以後那一天覺得很老氣,不太好看... 可是過了一天,頭髮看上去自然了,樣子也比較活潑...家裡對我的曲髮形象也有不錯的反應,所以christmas應該還會再做一次...
還有shrek版的pop art mona lisa...
1. 接不到長途電話 (尤其是在關鍵的時候, 不過很有可能是ctm的問題...)
2. 一天總會有好幾個時候沒有信號 (在家裡/學校/銀行都有過這樣的情況,而我手中另外一部電話卻信號正常)
3. 通電話的時候斷線,接電話變了掛電話 (明明按著touchpad左邊那個接電話鍵,卻發現變了按拒絕來電)...
4. 常常想拿出電話拍照,那個照相機功能都要load超長時間才能用... 那天想拍下sampras的大頭照,接過因為電話太慢,大頭照變了遠照,差點連sampras的樣子也拍不到...
5. 電話的聲音質量很差... 以前在K800i很可愛的鈴聲,用在P1i的時候變得很沙啞...
熟悉我的人都知道我不是一個隨便換電話的人,可是這個電話真的讓我很懊惱... 那天在蘋果日報看到的那些sony ericsson電話送hello kitty閃燈座,所以就打電話去問問那些電話的型號和價錢,還問了如果把電話賣掉會有多少錢... 結果發現,那個用了不到3個月,買回來的時候要HKD$4680的P1i,回收價是HKD$2200多一點... 雖然很心疼,可是我用越久它越貶值,所以還是覺得快快把它賣掉更好...
昨天終於有時間(其實是爸爸終於有時間陪我)去看... 看到w580i就很喜歡... 那個賣電話的姐姐用後評語也很不錯,所以就決定了... 價錢很合理 (才HKD$2500+,雖然不是3G),只是它有三個顏色,不知道選哪一個好... 好不容易,經過很長時間的內心掙扎,終於衝破了多年"忌紅"的心理障礙,選了新推出的粉紅色... 很可愛很可愛,希望用了以後順風順水 :P
不過,打算賣掉我的舊電話的時候,才知道在短短的一個星期,我的P1i的回收價跌了差不多HKD$400,真的很"肉痛"... 舊的電話只以HKD$1900成交了... 還要補了幾百塊才能換電話... 不過算了,換了就換了,起碼現在可以拿著電話到處聽歌到處拍照,也不用擔心電話太大讓手袋沒有空位放NDS,那就ok了...
好了,要在用用我的電話才能知道會不會比P1i有所改善... 不過從拍照的角度來看,算是不錯了 :) 希望能用久一點吧...
今天在macau tower看那個da vinci展覽其中一個展品"chamber of mirrors"裡面用新電話拍的照... 那個房間有8面鏡子,在鏡子包圍下,你可以看到你的身體的任何部分,並且看到"千千萬萬"(正確說是無限個)自己的倒影... 因為要遷就手機的拍攝角度,所以拍不出那麼多個不同角度的,會縮的越來越小的倒影... 可是還是拍的不錯...
edit:如果細心一點看那張倒影圖,會看到其實我把頭髮捲了... 哈哈,是那種用電髮捲的臨時曲髮...雖然做了以後那一天覺得很老氣,不太好看... 可是過了一天,頭髮看上去自然了,樣子也比較活潑...家裡對我的曲髮形象也有不錯的反應,所以christmas應該還會再做一次...
還有shrek版的pop art mona lisa...
Monday, October 29, 2007
vincenzo and the black eyed peas...
i fell in love with vincenzo the first time i saw him at the venetian... even though he left for venice the past 2 weeks, i have been thinking of him... and now, he has finally come home with me... he sits on my printer singing "o sole mio" whenever i hold (press) his palm, with full actions and movement... and i press his palm whenever i want to shut out my mom's voice and the chinese opera coming from downstairs... such a relief to my pathetic life, haha...
well, i got him today when i went to the venetian to get me some shoes... turns out my mom got the discount card and so i bought 1 pair of boots and 1 pair of pretty high heels for half-price... and then i just can't leave my vincenzo singing alone at the counter anymore, so i brought him home too... haha, and i think for such a good singer, he is quite cheap...
speaking of singers, the Black Eyed Peas concert was great!!! i know im such a sucker for concerts, but this was so fun!!! screaming and jumping and losing my voice this morning somehow felt like a release... a release from what i can't tell, maybe the latent stress and nerves from living with my mom... but anyways, it was 400 patacas well spent... haha... if i have to say something bad, then maybe the only thing missing is a certain handsome guy by my side... but still, life goes on... the show must go on... hope i can get free tickets for the beyonce concert next week... can't wait...
Sunday, October 14, 2007
語文課的時候,老師提到這首陶淵明寫的<閑情賦>... 哦,才知道,這才是情詩哦...
願在絲而為履,附素足以周旋;悲行止之有節,空委棄 於床前!
願在竹而為扇,含淒飆於柔 握;悲白露之晨零,顧襟袖以緬邈!
有生以來第一次沒有被古詩歌悶死... 陶淵明先生真的厲害! 趙婷老師也很厲害!!
Sunday, September 30, 2007
一個多月沒寫blog了... 這個月裡面,其實也發生了不少(以我清閒的生活來說), 不過就是沒有想過要update罷了...
24歲了,感覺真的有點老了... 動不動就累了,晚上睡少一點早上起床不到一個小時就喊累... 不過,當帥帥來看我的時候,怎麼累我還是死撐了,哈哈... 嗯,在這裡先謝謝他,給了我那麼愉快的幾天... 那幾天感覺有點像做夢, 一是因為太睏了,二是因為真的想也沒想過他真的會來... 四天的時間,我都早早的起床,晚晚的睡,真的是超級努力超級累... 不過還算是值得吧?! 我不知道以後會怎樣,可是我已賺到回憶了... 真的謝謝你來了...
哈哈,還有,這個月開學了... 每天只是坐車到學校的時間已經要大概兩小時了... 所以到學校的時候,通常都是在一個暈車的狀態,超想睡的,所以每天都不怎麼想上課... 真的懷念有帥帥陪我到學校的日子... (因為有他在我就常常有藉口打的上學了,有時候還不用我的錢呢...) 不過以後也不能這樣了,我還得乖乖上課去...
回想起那幾天的一幕一幕,好想念那種日子哦... 煙花,西餐,賭場,香港... 24歲的我,不該再發白日夢了... 還是得想想怎麼樣才不會像這樣每天很累得過日子...
24歲了,感覺真的有點老了... 動不動就累了,晚上睡少一點早上起床不到一個小時就喊累... 不過,當帥帥來看我的時候,怎麼累我還是死撐了,哈哈... 嗯,在這裡先謝謝他,給了我那麼愉快的幾天... 那幾天感覺有點像做夢, 一是因為太睏了,二是因為真的想也沒想過他真的會來... 四天的時間,我都早早的起床,晚晚的睡,真的是超級努力超級累... 不過還算是值得吧?! 我不知道以後會怎樣,可是我已賺到回憶了... 真的謝謝你來了...
哈哈,還有,這個月開學了... 每天只是坐車到學校的時間已經要大概兩小時了... 所以到學校的時候,通常都是在一個暈車的狀態,超想睡的,所以每天都不怎麼想上課... 真的懷念有帥帥陪我到學校的日子... (因為有他在我就常常有藉口打的上學了,有時候還不用我的錢呢...) 不過以後也不能這樣了,我還得乖乖上課去...
回想起那幾天的一幕一幕,好想念那種日子哦... 煙花,西餐,賭場,香港... 24歲的我,不該再發白日夢了... 還是得想想怎麼樣才不會像這樣每天很累得過日子...
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
for all my cantonese speaking girlfriends...
Monday, August 13, 2007
這個是babo... 他是我的公仔家族的最新成員!! 今天才剛坐完飛機,到達我的家!! 哈哈,他是外國一個叫"uglydolls"的品牌的... 我以前看中的叫moxy,tray和peaco, 可是今天拿到了babo,發現還是他比較可愛 =) 嗯嗯,帥帥說看到他就想起了我和阿闊... 真的有點不爽,被人在我生日的時候說我像一個"醜娃娃"... (哈哈,雖然我們都是哨牙的... 其實,大家都覺得我跟任何哨牙的東西相像 =/) 我們真的像嗎?
不過,有生日禮物已經很好了 =) 另外也謝謝趙大小姐送我crabtree & evelyn的rosewater hand cream... 香香的... 謝謝!!
H和J談戀愛... 從一開始就互相覺得大家心很近... 可是到了後來,H和J才慢慢發現,他們中間永遠都隔著一個I... 他們自己永遠都是他們中間的問題... 跟自己最親密,最相近的,只有I...
Saturday, August 11, 2007
thanks my dears...
Thank you my dears!! These past few days, have really been discouraged and weak but I am grateful you guys are here for me and gave me all the love I need... A lot of things have happened and I am not allowed to show a weak face most of the time, in order not to get mom and dad worrying... But its hard to keep a happy face every single minute and I am so grateful to have people whom I can retreat to and who I can trust to have some guidance and cheering up from... You guys made me realize that somehow I was such a fool or maybe even a bitch... Thanks for being truthful and being kind to me...
Thank you Sandra, for making time to high tea today as a celebration... Sorry we didn't go sing k...
Thank you Chidong~ First, for the Dreamcatcher you got from Canada... It is sparkling on my neck right now... I never told u about the nightmares I have but you got me the perfect thing!!! We sure are a great match, haha... And secondly, thanks for all the maple stuff... The mini tea box and the candy... I thought it would be maple nougats but tea is much better because it doesn't make me fat at all... I was gonna try the candy but it is so precious (I only got 2!!) I'll leave it until my big day... And thirdly, thanks for driving me around today in the rain... Your car is almost the best place to have a chat... I just can't stop looking out of the window I know, haha...
Thank you Lawrence and Katie, for planning to come... I am so looking forward to it but I'm glad you guys still remembered me and will make the trip soon (hopefully?)... Too bad there is a typhoon and there are no rooms... And for the MTR Hello Kitty!!! Haha, it is so cute I want it so bad now...
Thank you Yuki~ For talking to me on MSN... I know it is so cliche but I really believe it is a deed of God to bring you to me on that day... And you know, things haven't changed since that day but I realized rather than be sad about it, I should be grateful for having family and friends beside me... God has it all planned out... I should learn from you... And yes, this is the fourth birthday already... And you asked for my address so I think you are sending me something?! Hehe, thank you so much in advance!! God bless...
Oh, and thank you Angie for getting me something, and asking Alanis to bring it back... I miss your cooking, and of course Mr Shan's grilled veggies and pasta... And I miss "water cook fish"...
And Liz, thanks for waking up in the afternoon after so little sleep... You rest more and we can celebrate after you quit working in "hell"... And when will you introduce me to all those guys? You got the best one, right? So let me choose from the rest!! And don't bother giving me anything this year, I just want to see you!!!!!
Nah, I got so many friends!! I can never express all the gratitude... I love you guys!!!
Thank you Sandra, for making time to high tea today as a celebration... Sorry we didn't go sing k...
Thank you Chidong~ First, for the Dreamcatcher you got from Canada... It is sparkling on my neck right now... I never told u about the nightmares I have but you got me the perfect thing!!! We sure are a great match, haha... And secondly, thanks for all the maple stuff... The mini tea box and the candy... I thought it would be maple nougats but tea is much better because it doesn't make me fat at all... I was gonna try the candy but it is so precious (I only got 2!!) I'll leave it until my big day... And thirdly, thanks for driving me around today in the rain... Your car is almost the best place to have a chat... I just can't stop looking out of the window I know, haha...
Thank you Lawrence and Katie, for planning to come... I am so looking forward to it but I'm glad you guys still remembered me and will make the trip soon (hopefully?)... Too bad there is a typhoon and there are no rooms... And for the MTR Hello Kitty!!! Haha, it is so cute I want it so bad now...
Thank you Yuki~ For talking to me on MSN... I know it is so cliche but I really believe it is a deed of God to bring you to me on that day... And you know, things haven't changed since that day but I realized rather than be sad about it, I should be grateful for having family and friends beside me... God has it all planned out... I should learn from you... And yes, this is the fourth birthday already... And you asked for my address so I think you are sending me something?! Hehe, thank you so much in advance!! God bless...
Oh, and thank you Angie for getting me something, and asking Alanis to bring it back... I miss your cooking, and of course Mr Shan's grilled veggies and pasta... And I miss "water cook fish"...
And Liz, thanks for waking up in the afternoon after so little sleep... You rest more and we can celebrate after you quit working in "hell"... And when will you introduce me to all those guys? You got the best one, right? So let me choose from the rest!! And don't bother giving me anything this year, I just want to see you!!!!!
Nah, I got so many friends!! I can never express all the gratitude... I love you guys!!!
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
hot hot hot!!!
why is it so hot in macau?? the tempearture's not so high but i feel so dizzy at my gran's place with no air-con but a fan... melting... is it the weather or is it me??
Friday, July 27, 2007
50 Girly secrets every guy should know...
本來一位由是那種日本/台灣的小繪本,打開後才發現是香港人寫(畫)的。裡面除了有很可愛的插畫外,還有很多很有意思的文字。很想買很想買,但是一想到家裡還有五十公斤的雜物還沒開封,就立刻打消了那個念頭。還是等我收拾好書櫃才買吧!不過裡面的畫和文字都很可愛,哈哈,而且我也很羨慕那個作者有一個這麼疼愛他的老公。看著她的website,真的覺得她像公主一般幸福。很羨慕哦,為甚麼別人的愛情看起來就那麼美滿幸福呢?我也很努力我的拍拖事業阿,可是好像我還是差了點甚麼...只是想知道帥帥的心到底是怎麼想的...到底有沒有一本叫"50 Boy-ly secrets every girl should know"呢?
on another note,那個princess diane跟我一樣是超級harry potter fans喔!我跟她都有一些相同的疑問:
1.在King's Cross那個chapter,dumbledore和harry旁邊有一個在哭的嬰兒,那是甚麼意思啊?那個是voldemort的horcrux嗎?
2.sirius在第五集掉進了那個veil的後面,那個時候只是說不知道sirius會到了甚麼地方或被怎樣了,但是第七集的後部說到了resurrection stone喚回了james等死了的人的靈魂,當中有sirius。那是說sirius死了嗎?那為甚麼第五集的時候就不說他死了?
3.Aunt Petunia一家最後怎樣了?好不容易解釋了dudley最後對harry改觀了,最後說送走他們一後又不交代?!
4.最後harry和voldemort的大戰,voldemort用avada kedavra殺死harry,harry用的是expelliarmus.雖說harry是elder wand的真正主人,可是不代表那elder wand會backfire吧?畢竟avada kedavra不是harry說的,所以那個咒語是應該不算數吧?
本來一位由是那種日本/台灣的小繪本,打開後才發現是香港人寫(畫)的。裡面除了有很可愛的插畫外,還有很多很有意思的文字。很想買很想買,但是一想到家裡還有五十公斤的雜物還沒開封,就立刻打消了那個念頭。還是等我收拾好書櫃才買吧!不過裡面的畫和文字都很可愛,哈哈,而且我也很羨慕那個作者有一個這麼疼愛他的老公。看著她的website,真的覺得她像公主一般幸福。很羨慕哦,為甚麼別人的愛情看起來就那麼美滿幸福呢?我也很努力我的拍拖事業阿,可是好像我還是差了點甚麼...只是想知道帥帥的心到底是怎麼想的...到底有沒有一本叫"50 Boy-ly secrets every girl should know"呢?
on another note,那個princess diane跟我一樣是超級harry potter fans喔!我跟她都有一些相同的疑問:
1.在King's Cross那個chapter,dumbledore和harry旁邊有一個在哭的嬰兒,那是甚麼意思啊?那個是voldemort的horcrux嗎?
2.sirius在第五集掉進了那個veil的後面,那個時候只是說不知道sirius會到了甚麼地方或被怎樣了,但是第七集的後部說到了resurrection stone喚回了james等死了的人的靈魂,當中有sirius。那是說sirius死了嗎?那為甚麼第五集的時候就不說他死了?
3.Aunt Petunia一家最後怎樣了?好不容易解釋了dudley最後對harry改觀了,最後說送走他們一後又不交代?!
4.最後harry和voldemort的大戰,voldemort用avada kedavra殺死harry,harry用的是expelliarmus.雖說harry是elder wand的真正主人,可是不代表那elder wand會backfire吧?畢竟avada kedavra不是harry說的,所以那個咒語是應該不算數吧?
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
cheer's poses...
waited for so long, finally got cheer chen's dvd+cd package... finally they have asian edition and i can get it in macau... haha, so touching while i watch it... reminds me of the last time where i stood for 2 whole hours at her concert 2 years ago in macau... it is really so moving...
and i finally got broadband... one less reason to miss beijing... haha, but im not sure if i can bt all the time... let's see...
and i finally got broadband... one less reason to miss beijing... haha, but im not sure if i can bt all the time... let's see...
Sunday, July 15, 2007
give me a break...
back to macau for a while... so far it has been the normal home life... as in its really humid and hot, with a lot of time walking on the streets going nowhere... and then parents are as usual whining and whining about everything i do or not do... after 6 years of solitude, i guess i couldnt handle it... i want a break...
thanks to my friends for giving me great support... it is with u guys that i get my occasional break from the whining and i am so happy to be with all of u again... though i lost contact with a lot of high school friends along the way, and i dont really have that many people to meet when i am back here, it still feels so nice i still got the 2 or 3 of u to hang out with...
i am so devastated... i guess i have taken everything for granted... all along i thought i have been great, i thought i have given in so much... but in the end i guess i didn't do such a great job... i don't know what to do these few days... i can't talk to my friends and i have my parents behind me all the time and i don't even have a time to be sad... i want to be strong and be happy and smily when i see anyone but i can't... why did it happen so suddenly... if only i could turn back time...
thanks to my friends for giving me great support... it is with u guys that i get my occasional break from the whining and i am so happy to be with all of u again... though i lost contact with a lot of high school friends along the way, and i dont really have that many people to meet when i am back here, it still feels so nice i still got the 2 or 3 of u to hang out with...
i am so devastated... i guess i have taken everything for granted... all along i thought i have been great, i thought i have given in so much... but in the end i guess i didn't do such a great job... i don't know what to do these few days... i can't talk to my friends and i have my parents behind me all the time and i don't even have a time to be sad... i want to be strong and be happy and smily when i see anyone but i can't... why did it happen so suddenly... if only i could turn back time...
Monday, June 25, 2007
i want this cake...
aside from packing and doing math problems, i have been going out quite a bit these few days... wandered into bread talk the other day and saw that they have hello kitty products now... i want this hello kitty cake for my birthday ah... why don't they have hello kitty cakes and bread in macau?
and as i was packing, i found that i have never took a picture with my elmo backpack... hehe... so i took one before i put in in the post carton and mail it back home...
i want this cake...
aside from packing and doing math problems, i have been going out quite a bit these few days... wandered into bread talk the other day and saw that they have hello kitty products now... i want this hello kitty cake for my birthday ah... why don't they have hello kitty cakes and bread in macau?
and as i was packing, i found that i have never took a picture with my elmo backpack... hehe... so i took one before i put in in the post carton and mail it back home...
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Six years ago, I made a very determined decision to leave my home and come to Beijing. Six years passed, and I made a much more determined decision to leave Beijing and go back home. To all those who think it is a wrong thing to do, I appreciate all your suggestions. To all who think I am a loser, I understand where you are coming from. To all who understood me and supported me, I appreciate all you support and I am really thankful.
I just want to say it has been a very rough time. It is not something that got out of my panic attack. It is something that I have thought about in the past few years, but have not the courage and determination to face. And now I finally have prepared myself to go on and bring it up. It is a heart-breaking moment for all those who have expectations of me, especially my parents and myself. The strength I have to gather in order to stay calm enough to talk to my family and explain to them and make them understand is tremendous. It is not easy. But I know inside me that it is the right thing to do. So let me make peace with myself.
Maybe one day, I may be proved wrong. Maybe someday, what you all think is going to come true. I might be better off if I haven't decided to do what I do now. But at least I will not regret when I look back at what I did. I have already made the best decision my little brain can afford. And that is what makes this my life -- the choices that I make. And I am not living the life my parents or my relatives expect of me. It is a life entirely mine.
To those that really mattered to me, I understand your concerns. I know it looked all wrong from your points of view. I know you all think I am too emotional and I am weak. But I am the strongest I have been in years. All the strength and courage I used to tell my parents and to face the world. I am even prepared to deal with the "see-what-i've-told-you" things you are going to say if you are proved right. So let me do this and support me. I have never felt "right-er" in my life. It is decided upon, no way back. As I said, now I am really at peace with myself. So let it be what it is meant to be. Thank you...
God bless me...
I just want to say it has been a very rough time. It is not something that got out of my panic attack. It is something that I have thought about in the past few years, but have not the courage and determination to face. And now I finally have prepared myself to go on and bring it up. It is a heart-breaking moment for all those who have expectations of me, especially my parents and myself. The strength I have to gather in order to stay calm enough to talk to my family and explain to them and make them understand is tremendous. It is not easy. But I know inside me that it is the right thing to do. So let me make peace with myself.
Maybe one day, I may be proved wrong. Maybe someday, what you all think is going to come true. I might be better off if I haven't decided to do what I do now. But at least I will not regret when I look back at what I did. I have already made the best decision my little brain can afford. And that is what makes this my life -- the choices that I make. And I am not living the life my parents or my relatives expect of me. It is a life entirely mine.
To those that really mattered to me, I understand your concerns. I know it looked all wrong from your points of view. I know you all think I am too emotional and I am weak. But I am the strongest I have been in years. All the strength and courage I used to tell my parents and to face the world. I am even prepared to deal with the "see-what-i've-told-you" things you are going to say if you are proved right. So let me do this and support me. I have never felt "right-er" in my life. It is decided upon, no way back. As I said, now I am really at peace with myself. So let it be what it is meant to be. Thank you...
God bless me...
Tuesday, June 5, 2007
saw this note at lush the other night... says "zub" is closing down... only been to that place once and that was really a long time ago but i still remember a lot from that one time... the picture is unusually clear to me... feels a little sad about this little place (so weird cuz i dont even remember this place before i saw this)...
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
air-con turned fridge...
at around nine something tonight, i came back from lawrence's room to find a loud roaring noise inside my own room... i opened the door and i heard the noise coming from the air-con... so i opened the air-lid and this is what i found... my air-con turned into a fridge... there's ice all over the dust filter and the when i pulled one filter out of its slot, everything underneath is covered with ice too... seems like my air-con likes to be a fridge freezer more than an air-con tonight...
above is a close-up of the ice... and below is me with the frosted dust filter...
and now even though the ice melted and i replaced everything, the air-con wont work... i need to sleep without it... and then i can't straighten my legs on my bed because water is dripping from it at one end of my bed... i put buckets and towels there so the water won't go anywhere else... hm... hellish ordeal...
and thanks to lawrence for not panicking and helping deal with the whole thing... my bed will be swamped if not for u.... thanks...
above is a close-up of the ice... and below is me with the frosted dust filter...
and now even though the ice melted and i replaced everything, the air-con wont work... i need to sleep without it... and then i can't straighten my legs on my bed because water is dripping from it at one end of my bed... i put buckets and towels there so the water won't go anywhere else... hm... hellish ordeal...
and thanks to lawrence for not panicking and helping deal with the whole thing... my bed will be swamped if not for u.... thanks...
Saturday, May 26, 2007
聽著許哲佩的新歌"德國下雪了"... 那歌詞真的是浪漫... 訴說著兩個人暫時分開,男的要去旅行,承諾會為女的帶來最感動的驚喜... 就在德國下著雪的一天,男的用攝錄機拍下了最美的雪景,帶回去和女的分享... 就像是要把自己經歷的,變成一種共同的經歷... 聽著聽著,感同身受得有點想掉眼淚...
雖然跟你不是短暫的分開,而是一種沒有限期的分開,可是我還是想要把我所經歷的一切,與你一起分享... 就算是最微不足道的事,也想你知道,也想你能感受到我所感受的... 所以,最近除了日常的"新聞報導",我還養成了隨時拍照的習慣... 無論吃飯或逛街,有趣的事情通通都想拍下來讓你看... 讓你知道,讓你和我一同經歷...
很努力的想把我的所有經歷告訴你,照片,電話,我一點都不吝嗇... 希望你都能領略到,我有多麼想念有你在身邊的感覺...
雖然跟你不是短暫的分開,而是一種沒有限期的分開,可是我還是想要把我所經歷的一切,與你一起分享... 就算是最微不足道的事,也想你知道,也想你能感受到我所感受的... 所以,最近除了日常的"新聞報導",我還養成了隨時拍照的習慣... 無論吃飯或逛街,有趣的事情通通都想拍下來讓你看... 讓你知道,讓你和我一同經歷...
很努力的想把我的所有經歷告訴你,照片,電話,我一點都不吝嗇... 希望你都能領略到,我有多麼想念有你在身邊的感覺...
Saturday, May 19, 2007
zuzu #2
i was playing with my camera phone today and i found out these funny frames i can use on my pictures... so i took this hilarious and meaningful but somewhat weird and disturbing picture of my zuzu... the meaning of the picture is to illustrate who i am -- a piggie personality under a rabbity appearance... but the picture looks really disturbing... hope im not as disturbing and weird as the picture...
long day...
quite a long day... woke up at 8 sth, took a shower and then went off to class... rushed home to make changes to the format... lunch with lawrence while watching "friends"... and managed to finish the assignment before it was too late... then went to dinner with juan juan at the dining hall... took our little round-campus walk afterwards and decided to go try the "ma la tang" at the "little white house"...
then went home and hung out with the guys... watched the aaron kwok and leehom wang movie... made a "feces cake" (jell-o no bake chocolate mousse cake) and watched an ancient chinese "horrow/kung-fu" movie with those qing dynasty zombies... played cards and won... played chinese checkers and won too...
before long we all got hungry and so decided to go out for a late night snack at lush... it was already 2 am but its better to be sleepy than starving... ate yummy pancakes and drank the first bottle of bacardi breezer in a long while... then off to snooker and left at around 5am... after the shower, america's next top model finished downloading and so watched it before i slept... when i was on my bed, it was already 6am... so i've been awake for 22 hours and so i can definitely call it a long day...
the aforementioned "feces cake"
dawn at wudaokou station
looking out of the snooker place window
sunrise looked so nice but i guess its not healthy that i stayed up so late... colors of the sky looked brilliant doesnt compensate for the lack of sleep... hm... therefore should go to sleep now...
quite a long day... woke up at 8 sth, took a shower and then went off to class... rushed home to make changes to the format... lunch with lawrence while watching "friends"... and managed to finish the assignment before it was too late... then went to dinner with juan juan at the dining hall... took our little round-campus walk afterwards and decided to go try the "ma la tang" at the "little white house"...
then went home and hung out with the guys... watched the aaron kwok and leehom wang movie... made a "feces cake" (jell-o no bake chocolate mousse cake) and watched an ancient chinese "horrow/kung-fu" movie with those qing dynasty zombies... played cards and won... played chinese checkers and won too...
before long we all got hungry and so decided to go out for a late night snack at lush... it was already 2 am but its better to be sleepy than starving... ate yummy pancakes and drank the first bottle of bacardi breezer in a long while... then off to snooker and left at around 5am... after the shower, america's next top model finished downloading and so watched it before i slept... when i was on my bed, it was already 6am... so i've been awake for 22 hours and so i can definitely call it a long day...
the aforementioned "feces cake"
dawn at wudaokou station
looking out of the snooker place window
sunrise looked so nice but i guess its not healthy that i stayed up so late... colors of the sky looked brilliant doesnt compensate for the lack of sleep... hm... therefore should go to sleep now...
Saturday, May 12, 2007
the holiday
watched a movie called "the holiday" today... romantic comedy by nancy meyer, so i expected it to be quite good... loved the british countryside scenery, loved kate winslet, loved the sexy british accent... but the story and the other actors, not at all...
i really like kate winslet... i don't know how she managed to be so graceful and poised being curvy and healthy-looking in an industry filled with stick-insects... my heart really came out to her during the scene when her lover announced the engagement...
cameron diaz is cute and charming but very not convincing as a successful business woman who can't cry... and why is jack black a romantic good guy in the movie? i thought he's so awkward trying to be not funny...
totally changed my opinion of jude law though... thought him to be ugly, "oily" and too "i-know-im-sexy"... but after the film, he's actually not that ugly... even a little charming when he puts a napkin on his face and do that "mr. napkin head" joke... well, maybe that's because he has a napkin over his face, haha...
well, whatever... am too bored... tomorrow gotta make my jell-o no bake chocolate cake but i need to find those tinfoil trays or muffin paper cups first... anyone knows where to find those?
Wednesday, May 9, 2007
Thursday, May 3, 2007
-- 摘自劉若英<我想跟你走>裡的<是隨筆>
-- 摘自劉若英<我想跟你走>裡的<是隨筆>
Wednesday, May 2, 2007
zuzu #1
zuzu is a pink cube-shaped stuffed piggie... ever since it came to me more than a month ago, it has been my cutest companion in almost everything: sleeping, eating, watching movies, writing essays, reading, etc... taking the place of SS in keeping me company... haha, here's the first zuzu update cuz i got tired updating about myself...
zuzu cannot take her eyes off the rain poster that came with the magazine we bought together at the newspaper stand today... zuzu loves rain!!
zuzu can't keep herself off those black currant fruitips even though she got a really bad cough... mmm, kept on munching on sweets and chocolate even though she got a really bad cough from me...
zuzu knew i was really bored so she tried to cheer me up by asking me to take pictures for her and her friends... all her friends from my bed are here except melody (who spent the whole day in the washing machine)... zuzu wants to play with elmo too, but elmo can only gain permission to come out of the cupboard if it can stop its eyes from popping out and keep its mouth shut and not look like it has committed suicide...
and this is what zuzu has been doing all evening while i was changing the sheets and folding my clothes--bubble-wrapping...
zuzu taking a nap and tugging at her favorite ikea baby blanket... sleeps on the pillow right beside me every night... :) and keeping me calm and easy when i woke up from nightmares or bitchy roomie's screaming outside in the living room at the crack of dawn...
haha, yes, i think im getting crazy, blogging about my little baby piggie and all... but its just because im really too bored... all the dusting and washing and re-arranging the books and stuff can't keep me occupied all day... well, tomorrow if im still feeling bored, i will take zuzu out for a walk in campus and tell u about its adventures... well, maybe not... cuz tomorrow if i am still so bored, i will go to the bookstore again and read this book i saw... i think it helps keeping me occupied and gives me more shit to blog about here... haha
zuzu cannot take her eyes off the rain poster that came with the magazine we bought together at the newspaper stand today... zuzu loves rain!!
zuzu can't keep herself off those black currant fruitips even though she got a really bad cough... mmm, kept on munching on sweets and chocolate even though she got a really bad cough from me...
zuzu knew i was really bored so she tried to cheer me up by asking me to take pictures for her and her friends... all her friends from my bed are here except melody (who spent the whole day in the washing machine)... zuzu wants to play with elmo too, but elmo can only gain permission to come out of the cupboard if it can stop its eyes from popping out and keep its mouth shut and not look like it has committed suicide...
and this is what zuzu has been doing all evening while i was changing the sheets and folding my clothes--bubble-wrapping...
zuzu taking a nap and tugging at her favorite ikea baby blanket... sleeps on the pillow right beside me every night... :) and keeping me calm and easy when i woke up from nightmares or bitchy roomie's screaming outside in the living room at the crack of dawn...
haha, yes, i think im getting crazy, blogging about my little baby piggie and all... but its just because im really too bored... all the dusting and washing and re-arranging the books and stuff can't keep me occupied all day... well, tomorrow if im still feeling bored, i will take zuzu out for a walk in campus and tell u about its adventures... well, maybe not... cuz tomorrow if i am still so bored, i will go to the bookstore again and read this book i saw... i think it helps keeping me occupied and gives me more shit to blog about here... haha
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
mixed feelings...
last friday, i went to have a haircut with angie at the place in zhongguancun... got a different person to cut my hair this time and then it didnt go as well as i wanted it to be... it is too short and the layers aren't right... washing my hair back home, i feel like i don't have any hair to wash at all, which is a very insecure feeling and i really hate it... :( short hair never gave me any luck and this haircut really proved it...
pretty uneventful weekend, spent the time mostly writing the "environmental philosophy" essay and procrastinating heavily along the way... and then monday comes mike's performance at the top ten campus singers competition... was supposed to go support him and scream at the top of my lungs... but then unfortunately i got this flu from my roomie #1 (who has tried her best to spread the virus to me for 2 weeks already)... with the sore throat comes this raspy and weak voice, but nevertheless, mike 's a genius on stage and me and doris screamed the loudest we could... we were screaming so loud and cheering so much that the people sitting around us left early or switched seats or looked at us with a "u're-crazy-bitches" stare...
and congratulations to him cuz he got this individual prize and landed at 4th place... haha, it was a very long competition / concert but the atmosphere is really good... and from upstairs looking down, i can literally see a sea of clapping and cheering bright orange "inflated-clubs" (sponsored by lawrence's company, haha) and it is really a spectacular sight... took a few blurry pictures cuz i was sitting on those mountain-top seats farthest from stage...
this is taken when mike is singing... and due to the bad lighting, he looked like a human torch on stage...
the ending when the winners are called up on stage...
haha, i am finally on the stage of the top ten campus singers... (even though that doesn't make me one of them, at least i was on stage for a while, haha...)
and today my throat hurts so bad i could hardly speak... and this headache... it is killing me... i should better go to sleep...
ps. tomorrow's shuai shuai's special day, haha...
pretty uneventful weekend, spent the time mostly writing the "environmental philosophy" essay and procrastinating heavily along the way... and then monday comes mike's performance at the top ten campus singers competition... was supposed to go support him and scream at the top of my lungs... but then unfortunately i got this flu from my roomie #1 (who has tried her best to spread the virus to me for 2 weeks already)... with the sore throat comes this raspy and weak voice, but nevertheless, mike 's a genius on stage and me and doris screamed the loudest we could... we were screaming so loud and cheering so much that the people sitting around us left early or switched seats or looked at us with a "u're-crazy-bitches" stare...
and congratulations to him cuz he got this individual prize and landed at 4th place... haha, it was a very long competition / concert but the atmosphere is really good... and from upstairs looking down, i can literally see a sea of clapping and cheering bright orange "inflated-clubs" (sponsored by lawrence's company, haha) and it is really a spectacular sight... took a few blurry pictures cuz i was sitting on those mountain-top seats farthest from stage...
this is taken when mike is singing... and due to the bad lighting, he looked like a human torch on stage...
the ending when the winners are called up on stage...
haha, i am finally on the stage of the top ten campus singers... (even though that doesn't make me one of them, at least i was on stage for a while, haha...)
and today my throat hurts so bad i could hardly speak... and this headache... it is killing me... i should better go to sleep...
ps. tomorrow's shuai shuai's special day, haha...
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
about a month ago, i found that i couldnt open my own blogger page after i edited or updated my posts... i always thought it was because "connection timed out" due to the slow network here in PKU... but unfortunately that's not the case...
yesterday lawrence told me that he couldnt open xanga pages or blogger pages because the china education authorities decided to block all blog pages cuz they serve as a platform for students to discuss or express their political views or opinions on the current society... i really DONT understand it...
they let us access the posting pages, meaning we can register accounts and post updates and say whatever we want, but we cant check back on what we wrote or what others commented on our blogs?! i think that's really lame cuz there are subscription email services provided by those blogging sites so we can read what others wrote anyways... and why would u block people's blogs only and not block them from updating instead? the internet is so vast and full of re-posting im sure people will get to see those aforementioned "non-healthy and extreme" political views on other sites and bbs and forums and message boards and news groups if they're eager to look for it... not to get political here, but if the government and authorities are trying to suppress opposition ideas and free speech, why don't government officials try to do their jobs better so people would stop criticizing them instead?! and why would they only block blogger (which is a branch of google which is actually the"do-no-evil" company that already compromised so much of its content to enter the chinese market) and xanga (which is not very popular among mainlanders)? why not block msn space and sina blog or sohu blog which are the sites the majority of chinese people read or blog at (which means a bigger impact on the society and more susceptible to become a media tool to spread some "unhealthy" ideas and morals and "extreme" political views)?! or are they just trying to help microsoft beat google in the current blogging market by supporting msn space?
i seriously doubt the education network service (the CCERNET if im not mistaken)'s policies on this matter will work... they already blocked wikipedia, and now they block blogs... what is next? all bbs and message boards? and seriously, an ordinary non-genius computer user like me had already found a way to solve these problems and read the mentioned restricted sites... why bother blocking? there are so many smarter ordinary people and computer major students out there, im sure restrictions on website access really doesn't mean anything to them (aside from a little trouble to route around this network)... try stopping those very very annoying "anti-government" phone calls (which play recorded messages rambling over and over how many people have stood up to the communist party or being massacred in camps by the officials) or sms messages instead? blogs dont annoy cuz they dont go looking for u... phone calls and sms do!!
actually im not very frustrated because i cant open my friends blogs because i receive subscription emails and i can read their posts... i am just very frustrated because i cant leave a comment and i cant check back on what i myself wrote if i don't do my little trick... it just makes blogging a little more complicated than it should be...
anyways, i shouldnt bullshit anymore about it... i'll just resolve to reading my own posts on facebook (oh please don't block facebook or i will go mad), and maybe try to look for other blog services which doesnt require that much of work to read and update... i have a myspace account but don't make me use that...
on another note: as far as i know, people blog about computer products, music, cooking, gardening skills, restaurant reviews, their own pictures (with or without clothes on), travels, their hobbies, or maybe a little about what they study and research in if they are professionals or college professors... how often do people blog about how anti-government they are or how much they reap off from their criminal ventures? hm...
yesterday lawrence told me that he couldnt open xanga pages or blogger pages because the china education authorities decided to block all blog pages cuz they serve as a platform for students to discuss or express their political views or opinions on the current society... i really DONT understand it...
they let us access the posting pages, meaning we can register accounts and post updates and say whatever we want, but we cant check back on what we wrote or what others commented on our blogs?! i think that's really lame cuz there are subscription email services provided by those blogging sites so we can read what others wrote anyways... and why would u block people's blogs only and not block them from updating instead? the internet is so vast and full of re-posting im sure people will get to see those aforementioned "non-healthy and extreme" political views on other sites and bbs and forums and message boards and news groups if they're eager to look for it... not to get political here, but if the government and authorities are trying to suppress opposition ideas and free speech, why don't government officials try to do their jobs better so people would stop criticizing them instead?! and why would they only block blogger (which is a branch of google which is actually the"do-no-evil" company that already compromised so much of its content to enter the chinese market) and xanga (which is not very popular among mainlanders)? why not block msn space and sina blog or sohu blog which are the sites the majority of chinese people read or blog at (which means a bigger impact on the society and more susceptible to become a media tool to spread some "unhealthy" ideas and morals and "extreme" political views)?! or are they just trying to help microsoft beat google in the current blogging market by supporting msn space?
i seriously doubt the education network service (the CCERNET if im not mistaken)'s policies on this matter will work... they already blocked wikipedia, and now they block blogs... what is next? all bbs and message boards? and seriously, an ordinary non-genius computer user like me had already found a way to solve these problems and read the mentioned restricted sites... why bother blocking? there are so many smarter ordinary people and computer major students out there, im sure restrictions on website access really doesn't mean anything to them (aside from a little trouble to route around this network)... try stopping those very very annoying "anti-government" phone calls (which play recorded messages rambling over and over how many people have stood up to the communist party or being massacred in camps by the officials) or sms messages instead? blogs dont annoy cuz they dont go looking for u... phone calls and sms do!!
actually im not very frustrated because i cant open my friends blogs because i receive subscription emails and i can read their posts... i am just very frustrated because i cant leave a comment and i cant check back on what i myself wrote if i don't do my little trick... it just makes blogging a little more complicated than it should be...
anyways, i shouldnt bullshit anymore about it... i'll just resolve to reading my own posts on facebook (oh please don't block facebook or i will go mad), and maybe try to look for other blog services which doesnt require that much of work to read and update... i have a myspace account but don't make me use that...
on another note: as far as i know, people blog about computer products, music, cooking, gardening skills, restaurant reviews, their own pictures (with or without clothes on), travels, their hobbies, or maybe a little about what they study and research in if they are professionals or college professors... how often do people blog about how anti-government they are or how much they reap off from their criminal ventures? hm...
Friday, April 6, 2007
今天去了法學樓,出席了上個學期法學院診所課的結業儀式... 席間老師和同學紛紛發言,還有課程的資助人(一位香港律師)發表他的意見(基本上就是重複又重複他在georgetown university唸的law school)... 我只好跟同學一起雲游發白日夢,並在適當的時候插上幾句... 老師通知我們說,優秀的學員會有獎學金,但是要跟資助人面談... 早知道沒有我的份,所以我只好坐在那兒跟同學聊天打發時間... 當然,我也有在別人不為意的時候,拿出手機check我的gmail還有facebook... 哈哈,知道是很貴可是在無聊的時候這真的是救星!! 最後老師給我們頒發了"結業證書"... 如圖所示,真的覺得有點老土... 不過也是我有努力上課的一個證明:
然後,不得不提的是,今天是good friday,也就是耶穌受難日... 作為天主教徒,我今天真的是做了刻苦,吃的很少,也吃的便宜和清淡... 今天午餐是到了campus康博斯食堂,晚餐是出前一丁公仔面... 所以還算是很乖... 希望耶穌保佑我(也保佑大家)... 在結業儀式開始樂不久,我就開始餓了... 肚子發出奇怪的聲音,惹來身邊同學的好奇目光... 於是我告訴他們今天是耶穌受難日... 竟然有同學說:"可是今天不是13號耶"... 真的不明白黑色星期五和耶穌受難日有甚麼關係...
不過,今天刻苦前的昨天,我還是很放縱的吃了海參... thanks to katie,我才可以第一次吃到microwave sea cucumber... 只需要8分鐘,就能吃到冬菇濃汁海參... 很不可思議的產品...
哈哈... 現在還有兩天就是復活節,還有兩天我就可以開我的easter bunny chocolate... 很期待....
然後,不得不提的是,今天是good friday,也就是耶穌受難日... 作為天主教徒,我今天真的是做了刻苦,吃的很少,也吃的便宜和清淡... 今天午餐是到了campus康博斯食堂,晚餐是出前一丁公仔面... 所以還算是很乖... 希望耶穌保佑我(也保佑大家)... 在結業儀式開始樂不久,我就開始餓了... 肚子發出奇怪的聲音,惹來身邊同學的好奇目光... 於是我告訴他們今天是耶穌受難日... 竟然有同學說:"可是今天不是13號耶"... 真的不明白黑色星期五和耶穌受難日有甚麼關係...
不過,今天刻苦前的昨天,我還是很放縱的吃了海參... thanks to katie,我才可以第一次吃到microwave sea cucumber... 只需要8分鐘,就能吃到冬菇濃汁海參... 很不可思議的產品...
哈哈... 現在還有兩天就是復活節,還有兩天我就可以開我的easter bunny chocolate... 很期待....
Wednesday, April 4, 2007
11 days come and gone... never knew that 11 days could go by so fast... it has been a wonderful time... and now back to normal... but it doesnt feel normal... i have just started to get used to not staying alone but now i am back to myself again... a bigger room, a free-r schedule... feels weird instead of normal...
but that being said, the past few days had been a very happy time :) everything just felt so surreal... to shuai shuai dai loe, thanks for visiting me... i never thought that this could happen... im so grateful...
too much good food in the past few days... (hashiba@tianjin isetan, lan club, liqun roast duck, korean barbecue@wudaokou, yixin, dim sum@dong hai, hotpot@kou fu ju, etc. so much i couldnt remember everywhere we went...) now i am always hungry, my stomach probably became bigger with my appetite... hope i won't start to starve myself again since i am going back to instant noodles and delivery and cafeteria food...
but anyways, life goes on... make life to the full... so i should start working hard and go hitting the gym again... yes, that's what i should do...
but that being said, the past few days had been a very happy time :) everything just felt so surreal... to shuai shuai dai loe, thanks for visiting me... i never thought that this could happen... im so grateful...
too much good food in the past few days... (hashiba@tianjin isetan, lan club, liqun roast duck, korean barbecue@wudaokou, yixin, dim sum@dong hai, hotpot@kou fu ju, etc. so much i couldnt remember everywhere we went...) now i am always hungry, my stomach probably became bigger with my appetite... hope i won't start to starve myself again since i am going back to instant noodles and delivery and cafeteria food...
but anyways, life goes on... make life to the full... so i should start working hard and go hitting the gym again... yes, that's what i should do...
Saturday, March 17, 2007
有人今日成日都無理過我囉... 超不爽... 我知道我無理取鬧,因為有人呢幾日會好忙,好多野做... 但係我都只係想要一分鐘,或者一個短信之嘛... 擔心吓都得呱... 好唔明阿... 不過我真係要學識克制同體諒... 點樣先可以唔會晤開心呢?
Friday, March 9, 2007
上個月回澳門的時候,來不及和子東一起去看"生日快樂"... 今天終於在房間裡,自己一個人在看dvd,把電影看完了... 知道了故事(買了劉若英的那本書),知道了結局,就是想看書裡面一個這麼簡單的故事,怎麼能變成一部一個半小時的電影... 結果發現電影比文字更能感動我... 看到古天樂躺在病床上,真的心碎了...
沒有想像中那種哭得死去活來的感覺... 反而留下淡淡的憂愁,還有一些些的感同身受... 電影中很多情節都彷彿是我現實中的寫照... 電影人物的那種過度缺乏安全感,對一般人而言可能是很多餘,很白痴,可是我彷彿都明白... 甚麼"比好朋友要好的朋友",也在我的身上發生過(應該說是正在發生)... 因為太害怕失去,所以寧願不曾擁有... 自己默默的承受著痛苦... 以為自己真的會相信自己編造出來的謊言,然後會比較開心的活下去...
看完電影後的第一個感覺,是"我真的好想吃巧克力!!!" 哈哈,因為電影結局很悲慘,所以覺得很想吃一點甜甜的東西來調整一下情緒... 另外就是覺得,古天樂太帥了,不能相信他在電影裡一直愛的會是劉若英(一個這樣普通不起眼,然後一點點老的女人)... 如果我也有一個古天樂就好了...
Wednesday, March 7, 2007
剛剛出去吃了西門羊肉串... 很久很久沒有去過了(因為上一個學期每次吃完都會拉肚子)... 今晚去的時候,可能阿姨生意不多,也對我們特別親切,所以很重手的放了很多調味料aka味精... 所以很咸很咸... 喉嚨立刻就痛了... 回來喝多少水也無補於事... 還要從頭洗到腳,才能脫離那一股"羊"味...
無聊到百度看看有甚麼新歌(因為頭髮還沒乾),竟然看到eason的新國語歌"愛情轉移"... 其實就是"富士山下"的國語版... 所以也順便把這個blog的歌換成這一首... 歌詞不錯哦... post一下:
徘徊過多少櫥窗住過多少旅館阳光部落个人空间首页J H6~ L"\!Z
O�rB1R*K*F N*o0h0感情是用來瀏覽還是用來珍藏
V I+Gh5H%t0熬過了多久患難濕了多少眼眶
HJ)vci�eVc$@ N [0流浪幾張雙人床換過幾次信仰阳光部落个人空间首页#|4[wo2Q6z4S(e7R
B1]M?*x9t{Y-SvS0才拒絕做愛情待罪的羔羊阳光部落个人空间首页jB4j0m1?:D U{.@
%r4R1c!O@O d~a0陽光在身上流轉等所有孽帳被原諒
"TKF4by3O0戀愛不是溫馨的請客吃飯阳光部落个人空间首页8y7X u L`Zb
床單上鋪滿花瓣擁抱讓它成長阳光部落个人空间首页*cP4a o8S*b
*` _,Ze\mMG0期望帶來失望的惡性循環阳光部落个人空间首页+Q0v3^'m"S+Eb5_\6j
2_ J@P,A#wK0妳不要失望蕩氣回腸是爲了阳光部落个人空间首页!aIp9ND;{
無聊到百度看看有甚麼新歌(因為頭髮還沒乾),竟然看到eason的新國語歌"愛情轉移"... 其實就是"富士山下"的國語版... 所以也順便把這個blog的歌換成這一首... 歌詞不錯哦... post一下:
徘徊過多少櫥窗住過多少旅館阳光部落个人空间首页J H6~ L"\!Z
O�rB1R*K*F N*o0h0感情是用來瀏覽還是用來珍藏
V I+Gh5H%t0熬過了多久患難濕了多少眼眶
HJ)vci�eVc$@ N [0流浪幾張雙人床換過幾次信仰阳光部落个人空间首页#|4[wo2Q6z4S(e7R
B1]M?*x9t{Y-SvS0才拒絕做愛情待罪的羔羊阳光部落个人空间首页jB4j0m1?:D U{.@
%r4R1c!O@O d~a0陽光在身上流轉等所有孽帳被原諒
"TKF4by3O0戀愛不是溫馨的請客吃飯阳光部落个人空间首页8y7X u L`Zb
床單上鋪滿花瓣擁抱讓它成長阳光部落个人空间首页*cP4a o8S*b
*` _,Ze\mMG0期望帶來失望的惡性循環阳光部落个人空间首页+Q0v3^'m"S+Eb5_\6j
2_ J@P,A#wK0妳不要失望蕩氣回腸是爲了阳光部落个人空间首页!aIp9ND;{
Monday, March 5, 2007
back to school...
haha, back to school for a week la... finished all the registration stuff and life is back to normal again... classes - lunch - more classes - dinner - sleep... i don't have any class on friday so every week has a long weekend, haha...
life is really so mo liu here, no entertainment at all... ever since the washing machine arrived, me and my roomies have started to wash our clothes non-stop and it takes up a lot of our time... doing laundry has suddenly become a kind of hobby... haha, and then tonight is so uneventful we played monopoly until midnight... i am the loser even though i get to buy "victoria peak" and "repulse bay" :( so depressing...
and i got a new roomie... she moved in a few days ago with a new fridge and a lot of cooking utensils... and then she started moving the bed and everything in the bedroom, which makes her room a lot bigger than it used to be... so to join in the fun, i moved some of my stuff too and did the cleaning and so my room is quite clean and tidy now... actually my room in building 6 has never been cleaner, haha... and since the room became bigger, we went to ikea and bought new furniture to take up all the new space... the three of us successfully set up the new bookcase and the new lamps... haha, hammers and screw drivers everywhere... and i got a bedside lamp so i can do a little bedtime reading... so it is a nice room for now (even though i already messed up the desk again)...
ok, my hair's finally dry and i can go to bed... 10am class tomorrow, haha... hope i can wake up...
life is really so mo liu here, no entertainment at all... ever since the washing machine arrived, me and my roomies have started to wash our clothes non-stop and it takes up a lot of our time... doing laundry has suddenly become a kind of hobby... haha, and then tonight is so uneventful we played monopoly until midnight... i am the loser even though i get to buy "victoria peak" and "repulse bay" :( so depressing...
and i got a new roomie... she moved in a few days ago with a new fridge and a lot of cooking utensils... and then she started moving the bed and everything in the bedroom, which makes her room a lot bigger than it used to be... so to join in the fun, i moved some of my stuff too and did the cleaning and so my room is quite clean and tidy now... actually my room in building 6 has never been cleaner, haha... and since the room became bigger, we went to ikea and bought new furniture to take up all the new space... the three of us successfully set up the new bookcase and the new lamps... haha, hammers and screw drivers everywhere... and i got a bedside lamp so i can do a little bedtime reading... so it is a nice room for now (even though i already messed up the desk again)...
ok, my hair's finally dry and i can go to bed... 10am class tomorrow, haha... hope i can wake up...
Thursday, March 1, 2007
還有20天... 剛剛在洗澡前,才發現剛剛好是20天... 該好好的去壓抑自己的情緒,調整好心情... 每天晚上都祈禱,希望這次會像以前那麼順利... 希望這20天快點過去,讓我不用亂想啦!!!!!!
Thursday, February 22, 2007
2 more days...
2 more days and then back to beijing again... i have come back for almost a month but it feels like i am only back for 2 weeks... i am not very depressed but i do feel a little at loss because i didnt get to use my time to the full... not enough good food to get me fat, haha... the past few days, the family agenda have kept me up until late at night and used up almost all of my time... i am so tired with such a packed time-table... last night i slept for less than 6 hours again and i feel like i almost slept in the casino blackjack machine area... with most of my relatives starting work tomorrow, i hope i can get a little rest in the last few days... no more casinos at least... haha...
aiya... suddenly i dont want to go back to beijing... i am still in need of vacation free time... i don't want to do housework at all... dim suen ah...
aiya... suddenly i dont want to go back to beijing... i am still in need of vacation free time... i don't want to do housework at all... dim suen ah...
Monday, February 19, 2007
first day of the year of the piggy
kung hei fat choy!! happy chinese new year!!
i should be very happy in chinese new year, esp when today is the first piggy day... but there are bad times ah, and i am very caught up in the bad moods right now... i dont want to bitch about my relatives but they really make me very very upset... they are taking me for granted so bad... it is chinese new year and i cried... not a very good piggy start for me...
and im frustrated cuz the phone connection is always so bad i cant have a very smooth conversation with my sweet apple ah... im sorry i have been bad-tempered about recent happenings and i am not very pleasant...
but there are good times too... at least i won in dice and tombola!!! yay!! alrighty, time for my shower...
i should be very happy in chinese new year, esp when today is the first piggy day... but there are bad times ah, and i am very caught up in the bad moods right now... i dont want to bitch about my relatives but they really make me very very upset... they are taking me for granted so bad... it is chinese new year and i cried... not a very good piggy start for me...
and im frustrated cuz the phone connection is always so bad i cant have a very smooth conversation with my sweet apple ah... im sorry i have been bad-tempered about recent happenings and i am not very pleasant...
but there are good times too... at least i won in dice and tombola!!! yay!! alrighty, time for my shower...
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
St. Valentine's Day 2007
february 14 ~ st. valentine's day... this year, it has been quite a busy day... but i get to have dinner with my dear friends, and deliver an early bday gift to my dear liz-jing... i love u too ah baby... haha, i really hope u can find ur frog prince very soon...
haha, i got valentine's day gifts too... my mom and dad gave me the first thing on my v.day wishlist this year ~ swarovski valentine's day collection 07 kris bear!! haha, it is so pretty i took a couple of pictures of it, but they're all blurry :( and then i got a nice gift (chocolate+socks=tim tim mud mud, so thoughtful!!!) from chidong... haha, and also thanks to chidong, if not i will need to go hungry again tonight (not to mention lonely)... and i got myself hello kitty chocolates, wakaka...
mmm, it is already very good this year... i got gifts and i got phone-calls... thanks so much my dears...
ps. i really really hope my wish will come true ah~
haha, i got valentine's day gifts too... my mom and dad gave me the first thing on my v.day wishlist this year ~ swarovski valentine's day collection 07 kris bear!! haha, it is so pretty i took a couple of pictures of it, but they're all blurry :( and then i got a nice gift (chocolate+socks=tim tim mud mud, so thoughtful!!!) from chidong... haha, and also thanks to chidong, if not i will need to go hungry again tonight (not to mention lonely)... and i got myself hello kitty chocolates, wakaka...
mmm, it is already very good this year... i got gifts and i got phone-calls... thanks so much my dears...
ps. i really really hope my wish will come true ah~
Monday, February 12, 2007
這兩天都在香港,逛街吃東西買衣服買書... 今天黃昏,坐著的士從銅鑼灣到上環港澳碼頭準備回家的時候,看到中環某大廈上面的一幅大型廣告,讓我的心有一種七上八下的感覺... 那是上海灘(時裝店?)的新廣告,有別於以前該店一向保留的"文革漫畫"圖案的廣告風格,這個廣告是一個穿著新式"唐裝"的模特兒,站在上海外灘某棟建築物的天台上拍的硬照... 朦朦朧朧的背景是東方明珠塔等上海新式建築...
還記得我去上海的時候,天總是陰的,還下雨... 基本上看不清楚黃浦江對岸到是怎樣的風景... 所以我印象中的上海是灰灰濛濛的... 如果我沒有看錯,那廣告上的上海天空,也是灰濛濛的,背景的景物也拍的不清楚... (現在想起來,好像那是一張黑白照...) 那個感覺就跟我印象中的一樣... 可能就是這個緣故,我就對這幅廣告特別有感覺...
其實這個廣告,跟其他名牌服飾的廣告沒有多大的區別,也不是拍的特別漂亮... 跟中環的廣告叢中一點都不突出... 但我看到那幅廣告後,心裡面就出現一種很奇怪的感覺... 不是開心,也不是傷心... 很淡的哀愁,就像以前語文課文章裡面所描述的"戚戚然"... 心頭上浮現了很多在上海時的回憶... 真的想不到,一幅照片,竟然勝過千言萬語... 第一次有這樣的感覺,真的是好奇妙哦...
回家也有兩個星期了,這幾天一直都很不耐煩... 爸爸媽媽一直在身旁,嚷來嚷去,沒有甚麼自由可言的,心情不是特別好... (媽媽像是保護要人組,我到哪裡,她就跟到哪裡... 每次電話響起,她總要知道是誰打來的,光明正大的偷聽,有時候還要插幾句... 上網時,也要左問右問我跟誰聊天... 每次聊得比較順利,她就會佔用我的房間,我的書桌,我的電插口說要熨衣服... 不讓她管她就會說我在妨礙她... 不是熨衣服,就是說她要我陪她出去吃東西... 出去的時候,也要我到哪裡都要報位置...) 沒有自主權,好鬱悶哦... 走一步路都有人看,真的很不習慣...
沒有自由的我,特別想念在上海的時候... 一個人旅遊的感覺,很自由,很快活... 比北京多一份現代感,比香港少一份擁擠... 今天看到那幅廣告,就更加想念那段無拘無束的日子,那個心情特別好的我... 哦,到底甚麼時候才會回來呢... 甚麼時候,才能在去上海,在一個人旅行呢...
還記得我去上海的時候,天總是陰的,還下雨... 基本上看不清楚黃浦江對岸到是怎樣的風景... 所以我印象中的上海是灰灰濛濛的... 如果我沒有看錯,那廣告上的上海天空,也是灰濛濛的,背景的景物也拍的不清楚... (現在想起來,好像那是一張黑白照...) 那個感覺就跟我印象中的一樣... 可能就是這個緣故,我就對這幅廣告特別有感覺...
其實這個廣告,跟其他名牌服飾的廣告沒有多大的區別,也不是拍的特別漂亮... 跟中環的廣告叢中一點都不突出... 但我看到那幅廣告後,心裡面就出現一種很奇怪的感覺... 不是開心,也不是傷心... 很淡的哀愁,就像以前語文課文章裡面所描述的"戚戚然"... 心頭上浮現了很多在上海時的回憶... 真的想不到,一幅照片,竟然勝過千言萬語... 第一次有這樣的感覺,真的是好奇妙哦...
回家也有兩個星期了,這幾天一直都很不耐煩... 爸爸媽媽一直在身旁,嚷來嚷去,沒有甚麼自由可言的,心情不是特別好... (媽媽像是保護要人組,我到哪裡,她就跟到哪裡... 每次電話響起,她總要知道是誰打來的,光明正大的偷聽,有時候還要插幾句... 上網時,也要左問右問我跟誰聊天... 每次聊得比較順利,她就會佔用我的房間,我的書桌,我的電插口說要熨衣服... 不讓她管她就會說我在妨礙她... 不是熨衣服,就是說她要我陪她出去吃東西... 出去的時候,也要我到哪裡都要報位置...) 沒有自主權,好鬱悶哦... 走一步路都有人看,真的很不習慣...
沒有自由的我,特別想念在上海的時候... 一個人旅遊的感覺,很自由,很快活... 比北京多一份現代感,比香港少一份擁擠... 今天看到那幅廣告,就更加想念那段無拘無束的日子,那個心情特別好的我... 哦,到底甚麼時候才會回來呢... 甚麼時候,才能在去上海,在一個人旅行呢...
Saturday, February 10, 2007
haha, a few days more and then it will be the year of the pig la... 12 years since we pigs are in the spotlight!!! hehe, i am super superstitious... i already got a "tiger" phone strap to lighten the "faan tai sui" effect... it is said that we pigs will get extra emotional and moody this year, and the "tiger" accessory will help soothe our emotional ups and downs... haha, i am a very emotional person already, so i really hope it doesn't get worse...
talking about being superstitious... i flipped through some magazines and they have these "fortune-telling" articles as usual... it is said that pigs will have a rough love life this year (3 out of 3 fortune-tellers said the same thing!!!) hope it is not true... and as for work and school, it will be affected by negative emotions but there will be "expensive people" to help solve the problems... i really hope school is going to get smoother this year... i will work harder than ever, and i hope it will work... i am tired of law... very tired of the so-called justice and morals... but i still need to strive on and work hard...
and as for love... haha, will be too busy with school and maybe work so i don't think i will have time for it... the year of the dog has already loaded me with a lot of memories... and i already have an eventful past... i think this year is gonna be a much more quiet year for me... haha, don't want to get too emotional ma... i still wish that i can be happy with my special someone ("sweet apple", haha)... i want to be loved la... i worked so hard but there's still so much for me to learn... haha, so maybe not this year??
whatever year it is, i really thank the Lord God for all the blessings and protection He has given me, and for all that is to come... i am grateful for everything that happened to me, which strengthened me and help me discover so much about myself... i know that i am so immature and so selfish... i don't know how to think in the place of other people... i hope this year i can do better... i hope the Lord will help me walk a straighter and smoother path of life in all the years to come...
talking about being superstitious... i flipped through some magazines and they have these "fortune-telling" articles as usual... it is said that pigs will have a rough love life this year (3 out of 3 fortune-tellers said the same thing!!!) hope it is not true... and as for work and school, it will be affected by negative emotions but there will be "expensive people" to help solve the problems... i really hope school is going to get smoother this year... i will work harder than ever, and i hope it will work... i am tired of law... very tired of the so-called justice and morals... but i still need to strive on and work hard...
and as for love... haha, will be too busy with school and maybe work so i don't think i will have time for it... the year of the dog has already loaded me with a lot of memories... and i already have an eventful past... i think this year is gonna be a much more quiet year for me... haha, don't want to get too emotional ma... i still wish that i can be happy with my special someone ("sweet apple", haha)... i want to be loved la... i worked so hard but there's still so much for me to learn... haha, so maybe not this year??
whatever year it is, i really thank the Lord God for all the blessings and protection He has given me, and for all that is to come... i am grateful for everything that happened to me, which strengthened me and help me discover so much about myself... i know that i am so immature and so selfish... i don't know how to think in the place of other people... i hope this year i can do better... i hope the Lord will help me walk a straighter and smoother path of life in all the years to come...
Sunday, February 4, 2007
1st week home...
back in macau for a week... the place has become so different since september... new casinos and hotels, new restaurants, new shops... more (expensive) cars, more chinese tourists, more foreigners (tourists and employees of big companies stationed here)... the streets are crowded and the shops are packed... the place is looking more and more like a "metropolis"... im actually finding it a more enjoyable place to live or relax...
been walking through some new shops and there are a lot of things i want to buy... there is this new quiksilver store right in front of grandma's and they have really nice sweaters and zip-up jackets this season... saw a couple of very cute tees but they're for men... giordano is having new year sale and i bought a "lover" jacket which i can wear on dates with my dear chidong... i saw my wallet in tough and its the same price as in beijing!! and i still want that ipod case i saw in prada in september...
well, aside from shopping, life so far has been very relaxing... actually waking up and sleeping at normal times... staying home in the afternoons... taking time to "talk" to my mom... eating dinner and tea with my grandma... it has been good except that my friends all have jobs so i can only see them when they are really tired after work... and some are so busy i dont even get to see them after so long... well, hope i can have enough time here to meet all of my busy friends...
tomorrow will be family day again... first, i can finally go "yum cha"!!!!!! "cha siu bao, pai guet, siu mai, cheung fun... here i come!!" and then for tea, my dad said we will go get "chris patten's favorite egg tart"... and then dinner at the african restaurant in fisherman's wharf... i hope they don't serve insects or i will really faint on the spot...
talking about eating, i have already expected to gain some weight during this vacation... and i think i already did gain a bit fat on my face... i devoured a whole mcdonald's value meal for tea today, finished the sausage egg muffin in a record 1 minute and then ate the whole cup of potato wedges... im so in love with those potato wedges i think im getting those again tomorrow after i finish with the egg tarts... haha, i cant imagine how many kgs of fat and how many pimples i will get in these 20-some days...
and a list of the restaurants (food) i want to go:
1. lord stowe's bakery -- natas (portuguese egg tarts)
2. mcdonald's -- curry pork-chop burger and A LOT OF potato wedges
3. jade garden-- sweet and sour fish
4. "chu kei" -- wonton "yee min"
5. wynn chinese restaurant -- dim sum
6. westin resort -- tea buffet
7. sands grill -- steak and salmon fillet
8. "fei jai kei" -- "ngau jap meen"
9. haagen dazs -- ice-cream fondue
10. hotel lisboa japanese restaurant -- teppenyaki
11. 4-5-6 shanghainese restaurant -- eel and river shrimp
12. "nan hu ming yue" at macau tower -- thousand layer fatty pork
13. antica trattoria or pizzeria toscana -- lasagna
14. la comedie chez vous -- mushroom cheese crepe
15. hotel lisboa bakery -- black forest mousse cake and "egg drops"
16. 7-eleven -- fake shark's fin soup
haha... im gonna get really fat!!!
edit: harry potter 7 will be released july 21... i have 6 months to re-read book 6...
been walking through some new shops and there are a lot of things i want to buy... there is this new quiksilver store right in front of grandma's and they have really nice sweaters and zip-up jackets this season... saw a couple of very cute tees but they're for men... giordano is having new year sale and i bought a "lover" jacket which i can wear on dates with my dear chidong... i saw my wallet in tough and its the same price as in beijing!! and i still want that ipod case i saw in prada in september...
well, aside from shopping, life so far has been very relaxing... actually waking up and sleeping at normal times... staying home in the afternoons... taking time to "talk" to my mom... eating dinner and tea with my grandma... it has been good except that my friends all have jobs so i can only see them when they are really tired after work... and some are so busy i dont even get to see them after so long... well, hope i can have enough time here to meet all of my busy friends...
tomorrow will be family day again... first, i can finally go "yum cha"!!!!!! "cha siu bao, pai guet, siu mai, cheung fun... here i come!!" and then for tea, my dad said we will go get "chris patten's favorite egg tart"... and then dinner at the african restaurant in fisherman's wharf... i hope they don't serve insects or i will really faint on the spot...
talking about eating, i have already expected to gain some weight during this vacation... and i think i already did gain a bit fat on my face... i devoured a whole mcdonald's value meal for tea today, finished the sausage egg muffin in a record 1 minute and then ate the whole cup of potato wedges... im so in love with those potato wedges i think im getting those again tomorrow after i finish with the egg tarts... haha, i cant imagine how many kgs of fat and how many pimples i will get in these 20-some days...
and a list of the restaurants (food) i want to go:
1. lord stowe's bakery -- natas (portuguese egg tarts)
2. mcdonald's -- curry pork-chop burger and A LOT OF potato wedges
3. jade garden-- sweet and sour fish
4. "chu kei" -- wonton "yee min"
5. wynn chinese restaurant -- dim sum
6. westin resort -- tea buffet
7. sands grill -- steak and salmon fillet
8. "fei jai kei" -- "ngau jap meen"
9. haagen dazs -- ice-cream fondue
10. hotel lisboa japanese restaurant -- teppenyaki
11. 4-5-6 shanghainese restaurant -- eel and river shrimp
12. "nan hu ming yue" at macau tower -- thousand layer fatty pork
13. antica trattoria or pizzeria toscana -- lasagna
14. la comedie chez vous -- mushroom cheese crepe
15. hotel lisboa bakery -- black forest mousse cake and "egg drops"
16. 7-eleven -- fake shark's fin soup
haha... im gonna get really fat!!!
edit: harry potter 7 will be released july 21... i have 6 months to re-read book 6...
Friday, January 26, 2007
太委屈... :'(
今天諸事不順... 首先,回到了巴黎時間... 睡不著,有點納悶... 打算給某人燒dvd,讓他可以看英文字幕的黃金甲... 結果試了好幾次都不成功,每次燒到一半那個燒碟機就把碟嘔出來... 我才發現我的燒碟機壞了... 還浪費了我好幾張碟... 很生氣...
起床後,把自己拉出房間,打算出去走走順便交上網費,結果校園卡的錢被扣掉了整整100元 ,電腦卻顯示沒有交費... 於是又要再走一次去理教. 那個人說要先在1158室開證明,然後再到1353室調度室跟那個負責人解釋,我的那100元才可以加進去... ok,於是我決定為了那'大拿拿'100元上山下海... 結果是,放假了,那兩個室都沒人... 我的100元拿不回來,還要假期回來不能上網... 於是只好又加100元進我的帳戶... 那我今天無原無故的少了100元... 回來之後還不知道能不能拿回我那已經交過的錢...
算啦,反正北大的電腦系統一向都好不到哪裡... 只好認命了... 回房間時打算找個司機送我去機場,結果找不到... 回到房間,放了衣服近洗衣機,結果洗完了忘了去拿... 記得的時候,衣服已經被人放在烘乾機上... 真的不知道要再洗一次還是怎樣...
然後就跟娟娟去吃飯,但是身上沒有零錢,要他幫我付... 連咖啡也是他請我的... 慚愧... 回家的路上還要看到某人打訊息罵我,叫我回家,讓他發脾氣... 真的是氣死了... 很久都沒有這麼大的委屈感了... 氣得大步大步的走回家... 娟娟對不起... (之後吵到甚麼樣,真的不想提... 從來沒有在吵架時,佔過下風的我,今天真的有點失利... 看來是技術生鏽了...)
阿阿阿阿阿阿... 今天怎麼這樣... 唉,我還是早點睡,希望明天不會那麼黑了...
起床後,把自己拉出房間,打算出去走走順便交上網費,結果校園卡的錢被扣掉了整整100元 ,電腦卻顯示沒有交費... 於是又要再走一次去理教. 那個人說要先在1158室開證明,然後再到1353室調度室跟那個負責人解釋,我的那100元才可以加進去... ok,於是我決定為了那'大拿拿'100元上山下海... 結果是,放假了,那兩個室都沒人... 我的100元拿不回來,還要假期回來不能上網... 於是只好又加100元進我的帳戶... 那我今天無原無故的少了100元... 回來之後還不知道能不能拿回我那已經交過的錢...
算啦,反正北大的電腦系統一向都好不到哪裡... 只好認命了... 回房間時打算找個司機送我去機場,結果找不到... 回到房間,放了衣服近洗衣機,結果洗完了忘了去拿... 記得的時候,衣服已經被人放在烘乾機上... 真的不知道要再洗一次還是怎樣...
然後就跟娟娟去吃飯,但是身上沒有零錢,要他幫我付... 連咖啡也是他請我的... 慚愧... 回家的路上還要看到某人打訊息罵我,叫我回家,讓他發脾氣... 真的是氣死了... 很久都沒有這麼大的委屈感了... 氣得大步大步的走回家... 娟娟對不起... (之後吵到甚麼樣,真的不想提... 從來沒有在吵架時,佔過下風的我,今天真的有點失利... 看來是技術生鏽了...)
阿阿阿阿阿阿... 今天怎麼這樣... 唉,我還是早點睡,希望明天不會那麼黑了...
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
something to cure my boredness
Name: Herminia
Gender: F
1) When showering, do you start the water and then get in or get in and start the water?
- get in and then start the water.
2) Do you read the labels on the shampoo bottle?
- yes, i like to try pronouncing those names of the chemical ingredients
3) Do you moan in the shower like the people on the herbal essence commercials?
- who does?????!!!!
5) Have you ever been forced to shower with one of your siblings?
- i dont have a sibling.
6.) Have you ever brushed your teeth in the shower?
- no. i think that's a pretty gross thing to do.
7) Have you ever dropped your soap on your foot?
- no. that would hurt so bad.
8) How old do you look?
- most people think im under 20 but im already 23.
9) How old do you act?
- i act like a retard. i buy mcdonald's happy meals for the toys, i will give up shopping for cartoon hour on tv, i watch sesame street (elmo). so go figure.
10) What's the last song you heard/sang?
- "qin qin" by fish leong
11) Have you recently become a member of anything?
- nope. im a loner and i enjoy solitude.
12) What are your plans for the weekend?
- board a plane and go back home, maybe... but if not, then i plan on being unproductive as always.
13) What is your mood at the moment?
- dissatisfied?!
14.) Have you ever ridden a mechanical bull?
- no way!! but i might try if i got really drunk. that thing is dangerous!!
15) Do you ever intentionally vomit after drinking?
- no. i tried to and it doesnt work. so i gave up drinking altogether.
16) If you were working on a pirate ship, what would you most likely be?
- the parrot on the captain's shoulder mimicking people's words and begging for bread crumbs.
17) Have you ever called anyone a slut?
- no...
18) Has anyone ever called you a slut?
- no!
19) Have you ever smuggled something into Canada?
- no. i havent even been to canada.
20) Does playing a guitar make someone more attractive?
- yup. i like guys with an interest in music.
21) Do you live in a city with a good sports team?
- haha, well, beijing has good sports teams i think, but i dont know any of them. and macau... well, i guess sports is dead in macau.
22) Have you ever finished off the popcorn?
- yup. awwww, the lovely pink panther popcorn i got in japan...
23) Have you ever turned someone down for a date?
- yeah. cuz they inappropriately scheduled for a lunch date and that is the time i go to bed.
24) What's your favorite super-hero?
- elastigirl!!!!!!!
25) Do you have more enemies or more friends?
- no enemies, only rivals, haha.
26) Have you ever sent an anonymous letter?
- no...
27) Can you fix your own car?
- i dont have a car.
29) Are you smarter than your friends?
- we excel in different things. im good being unproductive and they are good doing the opposite.
30) Have you ever stolen anything from your friends?
- haha, i never remember to return borrowed stuff. does that qualify as stealing?
31) Have you ever been to jail?
- NO!!! im such a coward i cant even kill a bug. how can i do something that brings me to jail?
32) Last thing you bought over 50 dollars?
- my tiffany ring.
33) Do you like the smell of beer?
- haha, yeah!! but i dont like drinking it.
34) Have you ever died or killed someone in a dream?
- i have dreamt a million times being a wandering ghost so i guess im dead in my dreams?
35) Have you ever given to charity?
- yes. hard to just pass the donation box when the whole class is looking, right?
36) Would you kill a dog for $1000?
- no. am afraid of them!!
37) Do you ever get depressed?
- im always depressed. i just get MORE depressed.
38) Do you live with your parents?
- when im back in macau, yes. cant afford the rent on my own.
39) Do you have plans for your future?
- sort of...
You are
[x] under 5'4
[_] 5'4"-5'5"
[_] 5'5"-5.6"
[_] 5'6.5 - 5'7 ''
[_] 5'7" - 6'0
[_] tall (6.1 and up)
[_] blonde
[_] redhead
[_] brunette
[_] dirty blonde
[_] brownish
[_] dark brown
[x] black
[_] red/light brown
[_] don't Know, dyed Too Much
[_] blue-eyed
[_] brown-eyed
[x] black-eyed
[_] green-eyed
[_] hazel-eyed
[_] gold/gray-eyed
[_] silver/gray- eyed
[_] blue/green-eyed
[_] blue/gray-eyed
[_] green/gray-eyed
[_] they change colors
[_] amber
[_] glasses
[_] contacts
[_] neither (at the moment)
[x] both
[_] medium hair
[x] kinda long hair
[_] short hair
Your favourite color(s) are?
[_] red
[_] khaki
[_] aqua
[_] pink
[_] hot pink
[x] yellow
[_] black
[_] green
[_] lime green
[x] blue
[_] white
[_] turquoise
[_] silver
[x] purple
[_] brown
[_] orange
[x] grey
[_] fushcia
[_] maroon
[_] gold
[_] teal
[_] coral
[_] clear
[_] bronze
[_] I don't really care
[_] rainbow
[_] I basically like all colors
[_] except for yellow. and pink. and purple.
Your personality is sometimes...
[x] talkative
[x] shy
[x] funny
[x] serious
[x] laid back
[_] strict
[_] hyper
[_] sarcastic
[_] I have multiple personalities
You like listening to:
[x] pop
[_] country
[_] Christian
[x] orchestral/classical
[_] techno
[x] oldies
[x] opera
[_] soca ??? again wtf...
[_] 80's
[_] disco
[_] rap
[_] classic rock
[_] pop punk
[_] metal
[_] reggae
[_] rock
[x] alt/indie rock
[_] emo
[_] foreign rock
[_] ska
[x] lots of different stuff
[_] dancehall
The pets you have HAD
[_] cat
[_] dog
[_] lizard
[_] rat
[_] mouse
[_] ferret
[x] bunny
[x] fish
[_] horse
[_] frog
[_] hermit crab
[x] turtle
[_] hamster
[_] snake
[_] gerbil
[_] guinea pig
[_] pig
[_] goat
[_] chinchilla
[_] tarantula
[_] geese
[_] baby chicks
[_] baby ducklings
[_] none
[_] hedgehog
[_] snail
[_] piranha
[_] parrot
[_] newt
[_] pigeon
Your confessions:
[_] I'm afraid of silence
[x] I am really ticklish
[x] I'm afraid of the dark!
[x] I've collected comic books
[x] I sometimes shut out others
[x] I open up to others TOO easily
[x] I read the newspaper
[x] I love Disney movies
[x] I am a sucker for gorgeous eyes
[x] I am a sucker for gorgeous smile
[_] I don't kill bugs-
[_] I have "x"s in my screen name
[x] I bake well
[_] I have worn pajamas to class
[_] I love Martha Stewart
[x] I am guilty of tYpInG lIkE tHiS
[x] I am self-conscious
[x] I love to laugh
[x] I can't swallow pills
[_] I bite my nails
[x] I play computer games when I'm bored
[_] I have gotten lost in the city
[_] I have gone out in public in my pajamas
[x] I made out in an elevator
[_] I have been skydiving
[_] I have been bungee jumping
[x] I have bitten someone
[_] I have egged or rolled a house/car/telephone booth.
[_] I have smashed into a car (more like hit)
[_] I have been fired
[_] I have been skinny dipping
Have you ever...
[x] seen a shooting star
[_] joke proposed to anyone
[_] gotten stitches
[x] eaten Sushi
[x] gotten the chicken pox
[x] ridden in a taxi
[_] been on a cruise ship
[x] driven over 400 miles in one day
[x] been on a plane by yourself
[_] had surgery
[_] seen a movie more than 3 times in the theater
[x] been on stage
[_] gotten a black eye
[_] memorized all the dialogue in a movie
[_] watched an entire baseball game
Do you like...
[_] old movies
[x] musicals
[x] blasting music in your car/or someone else's
[x] foreign foods
[_] gameboy Pokemon
[x] Christmas time
[_] animals
[_] coffee
[x] tea
[x] summer
[x] winter
Two Names You Go By:
hermin and mina
Two Things You Are Wearing Right Now:
my izzue CAT tee and my old levi's 501 which are actually too small for me/
Two Places You Want to go on Vacation:
New York and Athens
Two favorite animals?
i don't like animals. but i could live with bunnies and fish.
Two Things You Want in a Relationship other than Real Love:
-- that's hard to say. actually i think real love brings everything into the relationship. but who knows...
Two Reasons you're doing this survey:
im bored and i dont wanna do my hw
Spell your name without vowels:
hrmn (its actually pretty hard to do this...)
How many pairs of jeans do you own?:
What color(s) do you wear most often?:
Last song heard on the radio?
i dont listen to the radio except when im on a cab.
Are you missing someone right now?
yup. a lot of someones.
What's for dinner tonight?
bread, peanut butter, milk, etc.
Are you happy with your life right now?
no and i hope it will get better
[Do you own a...]
- PS2?: no
- XBOX?: no
- XBOX 360?: no
- PSP?: yes
- Gamecube?: no
- A digital camera?: yes
- A wii?: want to.
Do you shop at stores like Aeropostale and American Eagle?
would love to.
How do you make money?
being a good daughter and hanging out with my family during chinese new year and maybe my birthday.
Last thing you bought?
hot kirin milk tea.
How's the weather?
crispy cold but sunny.
When do you start summer break?
hm... i really dont know.
Favorite pair of shoes:
my air force ones. and my silver heels from fin.
Do you own big sunglasses?
no. i look like a bug if i wear one.
Do you find yourself attractive?
no. i look like bugs bunny and i dont think bugs bunny is attractive to anyone.
What should you be doing right now?
sleeping or doing my hw.
Who did you hug today?
i dont really like hugging people.
How many beds did you lay in yesterday?
Name one thing that you do everyday?
What's the color of your bedroom walls?
pale pink
How much cash do you have on you right now?
i dont count money like this.
What’s your favorite sport?
walking up and down the stairs.
When was the last time you saw your dad?
almost half a year ago.
What did you have for dinner last night?
i gave up dinner last night for knitting in my bed.
Look to your left, what do you see
a pile of clothes i dont really wear.
Do you have plants in your room?
What's your favorite starbucks drink?
iced caramel macchiato and caramel frappuccino ice blended cream.
Recent time you were really upset?
im depressed enough. i dont feel being upset.
Gender: F
1) When showering, do you start the water and then get in or get in and start the water?
- get in and then start the water.
2) Do you read the labels on the shampoo bottle?
- yes, i like to try pronouncing those names of the chemical ingredients
3) Do you moan in the shower like the people on the herbal essence commercials?
- who does?????!!!!
5) Have you ever been forced to shower with one of your siblings?
- i dont have a sibling.
6.) Have you ever brushed your teeth in the shower?
- no. i think that's a pretty gross thing to do.
7) Have you ever dropped your soap on your foot?
- no. that would hurt so bad.
8) How old do you look?
- most people think im under 20 but im already 23.
9) How old do you act?
- i act like a retard. i buy mcdonald's happy meals for the toys, i will give up shopping for cartoon hour on tv, i watch sesame street (elmo). so go figure.
10) What's the last song you heard/sang?
- "qin qin" by fish leong
11) Have you recently become a member of anything?
- nope. im a loner and i enjoy solitude.
12) What are your plans for the weekend?
- board a plane and go back home, maybe... but if not, then i plan on being unproductive as always.
13) What is your mood at the moment?
- dissatisfied?!
14.) Have you ever ridden a mechanical bull?
- no way!! but i might try if i got really drunk. that thing is dangerous!!
15) Do you ever intentionally vomit after drinking?
- no. i tried to and it doesnt work. so i gave up drinking altogether.
16) If you were working on a pirate ship, what would you most likely be?
- the parrot on the captain's shoulder mimicking people's words and begging for bread crumbs.
17) Have you ever called anyone a slut?
- no...
18) Has anyone ever called you a slut?
- no!
19) Have you ever smuggled something into Canada?
- no. i havent even been to canada.
20) Does playing a guitar make someone more attractive?
- yup. i like guys with an interest in music.
21) Do you live in a city with a good sports team?
- haha, well, beijing has good sports teams i think, but i dont know any of them. and macau... well, i guess sports is dead in macau.
22) Have you ever finished off the popcorn?
- yup. awwww, the lovely pink panther popcorn i got in japan...
23) Have you ever turned someone down for a date?
- yeah. cuz they inappropriately scheduled for a lunch date and that is the time i go to bed.
24) What's your favorite super-hero?
- elastigirl!!!!!!!
25) Do you have more enemies or more friends?
- no enemies, only rivals, haha.
26) Have you ever sent an anonymous letter?
- no...
27) Can you fix your own car?
- i dont have a car.
29) Are you smarter than your friends?
- we excel in different things. im good being unproductive and they are good doing the opposite.
30) Have you ever stolen anything from your friends?
- haha, i never remember to return borrowed stuff. does that qualify as stealing?
31) Have you ever been to jail?
- NO!!! im such a coward i cant even kill a bug. how can i do something that brings me to jail?
32) Last thing you bought over 50 dollars?
- my tiffany ring.
33) Do you like the smell of beer?
- haha, yeah!! but i dont like drinking it.
34) Have you ever died or killed someone in a dream?
- i have dreamt a million times being a wandering ghost so i guess im dead in my dreams?
35) Have you ever given to charity?
- yes. hard to just pass the donation box when the whole class is looking, right?
36) Would you kill a dog for $1000?
- no. am afraid of them!!
37) Do you ever get depressed?
- im always depressed. i just get MORE depressed.
38) Do you live with your parents?
- when im back in macau, yes. cant afford the rent on my own.
39) Do you have plans for your future?
- sort of...
You are
[x] under 5'4
[_] 5'4"-5'5"
[_] 5'5"-5.6"
[_] 5'6.5 - 5'7 ''
[_] 5'7" - 6'0
[_] tall (6.1 and up)
[_] blonde
[_] redhead
[_] brunette
[_] dirty blonde
[_] brownish
[_] dark brown
[x] black
[_] red/light brown
[_] don't Know, dyed Too Much
[_] blue-eyed
[_] brown-eyed
[x] black-eyed
[_] green-eyed
[_] hazel-eyed
[_] gold/gray-eyed
[_] silver/gray- eyed
[_] blue/green-eyed
[_] blue/gray-eyed
[_] green/gray-eyed
[_] they change colors
[_] amber
[_] glasses
[_] contacts
[_] neither (at the moment)
[x] both
[_] medium hair
[x] kinda long hair
[_] short hair
Your favourite color(s) are?
[_] red
[_] khaki
[_] aqua
[_] pink
[_] hot pink
[x] yellow
[_] black
[_] green
[_] lime green
[x] blue
[_] white
[_] turquoise
[_] silver
[x] purple
[_] brown
[_] orange
[x] grey
[_] fushcia
[_] maroon
[_] gold
[_] teal
[_] coral
[_] clear
[_] bronze
[_] I don't really care
[_] rainbow
[_] I basically like all colors
[_] except for yellow. and pink. and purple.
Your personality is sometimes...
[x] talkative
[x] shy
[x] funny
[x] serious
[x] laid back
[_] strict
[_] hyper
[_] sarcastic
[_] I have multiple personalities
You like listening to:
[x] pop
[_] country
[_] Christian
[x] orchestral/classical
[_] techno
[x] oldies
[x] opera
[_] soca ??? again wtf...
[_] 80's
[_] disco
[_] rap
[_] classic rock
[_] pop punk
[_] metal
[_] reggae
[_] rock
[x] alt/indie rock
[_] emo
[_] foreign rock
[_] ska
[x] lots of different stuff
[_] dancehall
The pets you have HAD
[_] cat
[_] dog
[_] lizard
[_] rat
[_] mouse
[_] ferret
[x] bunny
[x] fish
[_] horse
[_] frog
[_] hermit crab
[x] turtle
[_] hamster
[_] snake
[_] gerbil
[_] guinea pig
[_] pig
[_] goat
[_] chinchilla
[_] tarantula
[_] geese
[_] baby chicks
[_] baby ducklings
[_] none
[_] hedgehog
[_] snail
[_] piranha
[_] parrot
[_] newt
[_] pigeon
Your confessions:
[_] I'm afraid of silence
[x] I am really ticklish
[x] I'm afraid of the dark!
[x] I've collected comic books
[x] I sometimes shut out others
[x] I open up to others TOO easily
[x] I read the newspaper
[x] I love Disney movies
[x] I am a sucker for gorgeous eyes
[x] I am a sucker for gorgeous smile
[_] I don't kill bugs-
[_] I have "x"s in my screen name
[x] I bake well
[_] I have worn pajamas to class
[_] I love Martha Stewart
[x] I am guilty of tYpInG lIkE tHiS
[x] I am self-conscious
[x] I love to laugh
[x] I can't swallow pills
[_] I bite my nails
[x] I play computer games when I'm bored
[_] I have gotten lost in the city
[_] I have gone out in public in my pajamas
[x] I made out in an elevator
[_] I have been skydiving
[_] I have been bungee jumping
[x] I have bitten someone
[_] I have egged or rolled a house/car/telephone booth.
[_] I have smashed into a car (more like hit)
[_] I have been fired
[_] I have been skinny dipping
Have you ever...
[x] seen a shooting star
[_] joke proposed to anyone
[_] gotten stitches
[x] eaten Sushi
[x] gotten the chicken pox
[x] ridden in a taxi
[_] been on a cruise ship
[x] driven over 400 miles in one day
[x] been on a plane by yourself
[_] had surgery
[_] seen a movie more than 3 times in the theater
[x] been on stage
[_] gotten a black eye
[_] memorized all the dialogue in a movie
[_] watched an entire baseball game
Do you like...
[_] old movies
[x] musicals
[x] blasting music in your car/or someone else's
[x] foreign foods
[_] gameboy Pokemon
[x] Christmas time
[_] animals
[_] coffee
[x] tea
[x] summer
[x] winter
Two Names You Go By:
hermin and mina
Two Things You Are Wearing Right Now:
my izzue CAT tee and my old levi's 501 which are actually too small for me/
Two Places You Want to go on Vacation:
New York and Athens
Two favorite animals?
i don't like animals. but i could live with bunnies and fish.
Two Things You Want in a Relationship other than Real Love:
-- that's hard to say. actually i think real love brings everything into the relationship. but who knows...
Two Reasons you're doing this survey:
im bored and i dont wanna do my hw
Spell your name without vowels:
hrmn (its actually pretty hard to do this...)
How many pairs of jeans do you own?:
What color(s) do you wear most often?:
Last song heard on the radio?
i dont listen to the radio except when im on a cab.
Are you missing someone right now?
yup. a lot of someones.
What's for dinner tonight?
bread, peanut butter, milk, etc.
Are you happy with your life right now?
no and i hope it will get better
[Do you own a...]
- PS2?: no
- XBOX?: no
- XBOX 360?: no
- PSP?: yes
- Gamecube?: no
- A digital camera?: yes
- A wii?: want to.
Do you shop at stores like Aeropostale and American Eagle?
would love to.
How do you make money?
being a good daughter and hanging out with my family during chinese new year and maybe my birthday.
Last thing you bought?
hot kirin milk tea.
How's the weather?
crispy cold but sunny.
When do you start summer break?
hm... i really dont know.
Favorite pair of shoes:
my air force ones. and my silver heels from fin.
Do you own big sunglasses?
no. i look like a bug if i wear one.
Do you find yourself attractive?
no. i look like bugs bunny and i dont think bugs bunny is attractive to anyone.
What should you be doing right now?
sleeping or doing my hw.
Who did you hug today?
i dont really like hugging people.
How many beds did you lay in yesterday?
Name one thing that you do everyday?
What's the color of your bedroom walls?
pale pink
How much cash do you have on you right now?
i dont count money like this.
What’s your favorite sport?
walking up and down the stairs.
When was the last time you saw your dad?
almost half a year ago.
What did you have for dinner last night?
i gave up dinner last night for knitting in my bed.
Look to your left, what do you see
a pile of clothes i dont really wear.
Do you have plants in your room?
What's your favorite starbucks drink?
iced caramel macchiato and caramel frappuccino ice blended cream.
Recent time you were really upset?
im depressed enough. i dont feel being upset.
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
too many absurd ideas...
exams are finally over... and i am still in beijing, basically doing nothing but spending a whole lot of money and getting more and more useless stuff... and with all the time around, i have come up with more and more absurd ideas on how to spend this time here before i go back home... ideas are as follows:
1. grow some tulips. tulips are my favorite flowers, and i think this is the only one thing that i have not stopped liking or grew tired of. i remember tulips are pretty cheap here in beijing, but they tend to die shortly after blooming. i want to see if i can plant a tulip on my own, a different breed which lasts longer, and in more appealing color. so i researched online just now (yes i am too bored!) and i think it would be perfect if i can grow some single late tulips in pink or some spring green viridiflora tulips. maybe i will research more tomorrow morning and then i can go to the flower market and try to make it work.
2. go to the school gym and take a hip-hop dancing or belly dance class. i was doing some "exercise/moves" today when i saw the person in the mirror (that's me) is basically making ugly wiggles with arms and legs that doesnt even look remotely coordinated. so maybe i should take dance classes to save my pathetic body parts. but why choose hip-hop or belly dance i really don't know.
3. take up "feng shui" or "i-ching" or astrology or tarot or any other superstitious field of study. i have always believed in fortune-telling, and so i might just stop listening to what other "fortune-tellers" tell me and see for myself. my mom taught me a lot already, but i need to learn more. and when i gained enough knowledge/wisdom, i can use my expertise to "help" some of the rich people i know from here in beida and then make them pay me a lot of money. then i can be a self-made millionaire just like "mr. so man fung". that man is a genius!!
4. try out everything on the "rabbit" korean take-out menu. been ordering the same things again and again and refused to try new stuff. time to see if i can survive on just lettuce and kimchi-related stuff.
aahhh, i'm finally sleepy. yay!! after so many hours of being wide awake, i can stop typing random sh*t and go sleep!! *yawns*
1. grow some tulips. tulips are my favorite flowers, and i think this is the only one thing that i have not stopped liking or grew tired of. i remember tulips are pretty cheap here in beijing, but they tend to die shortly after blooming. i want to see if i can plant a tulip on my own, a different breed which lasts longer, and in more appealing color. so i researched online just now (yes i am too bored!) and i think it would be perfect if i can grow some single late tulips in pink or some spring green viridiflora tulips. maybe i will research more tomorrow morning and then i can go to the flower market and try to make it work.
2. go to the school gym and take a hip-hop dancing or belly dance class. i was doing some "exercise/moves" today when i saw the person in the mirror (that's me) is basically making ugly wiggles with arms and legs that doesnt even look remotely coordinated. so maybe i should take dance classes to save my pathetic body parts. but why choose hip-hop or belly dance i really don't know.
3. take up "feng shui" or "i-ching" or astrology or tarot or any other superstitious field of study. i have always believed in fortune-telling, and so i might just stop listening to what other "fortune-tellers" tell me and see for myself. my mom taught me a lot already, but i need to learn more. and when i gained enough knowledge/wisdom, i can use my expertise to "help" some of the rich people i know from here in beida and then make them pay me a lot of money. then i can be a self-made millionaire just like "mr. so man fung". that man is a genius!!
4. try out everything on the "rabbit" korean take-out menu. been ordering the same things again and again and refused to try new stuff. time to see if i can survive on just lettuce and kimchi-related stuff.
aahhh, i'm finally sleepy. yay!! after so many hours of being wide awake, i can stop typing random sh*t and go sleep!! *yawns*
Tuesday, January 9, 2007
The Gift by Stanley Huang
禮物 The Gift
我們到這裡結束 或許都忘掉 對我比較好
分手是給我的禮物 或許傷口 很快就會好
我們到這裡結束 或許都忘掉 對我比較好
分手是給我的禮物 或許傷口 很快就會好
我們到這裡結束 或許都忘掉 對我比較好
分手是給我們的禮物 愛不完美 都是我不好
我們到這裡結束 或許都忘掉 對我比較好
分手是給我的禮物 或許傷口 很快就會好
我們到這裡結束 或許都忘掉 對我比較好
分手是給我的禮物 或許傷口 很快就會好
我們到這裡結束 或許都忘掉 對我比較好
分手是給我們的禮物 愛不完美 都是我不好
Monday, January 1, 2007
wow, so its already 2007... happy new year!!! it is new year as well as my roomie's birthday, so yay!! it's a new start... i hope things get better (and better) this year :)
looking back at 2006, there are a lot of things i haven't done, or haven't done my best... so i hope i can make amends and do better and give my best in the coming year... well, i say this every year so i don't bother making new year's resolutions again since i don't really take them seriously... i just hope i have a better attitude so things will turn out better...
many things have happened the past few days and i didnt update, due to the slow connection brought about by the taiwan earthquake -- see how fragile our so-called high-tech communications network is actually -- and also the too-much time spent doing nothing but playing windows spider solitaire...
first, there is snow!! snow on the last 2 days of 2006... pictures later cuz the connection still sux... and then i took up the habit of going to church again... and my thesis got approved by my teacher (i only have to make minor amendments)... and my roomie's birthday dinner at friday's... whoo... what a day...
and then exams are coming up... and these are the days i hate... haha...
ps. and i changed the background song from elva hsiao to "kiss me" by sixpence none the richer
looking back at 2006, there are a lot of things i haven't done, or haven't done my best... so i hope i can make amends and do better and give my best in the coming year... well, i say this every year so i don't bother making new year's resolutions again since i don't really take them seriously... i just hope i have a better attitude so things will turn out better...
many things have happened the past few days and i didnt update, due to the slow connection brought about by the taiwan earthquake -- see how fragile our so-called high-tech communications network is actually -- and also the too-much time spent doing nothing but playing windows spider solitaire...
first, there is snow!! snow on the last 2 days of 2006... pictures later cuz the connection still sux... and then i took up the habit of going to church again... and my thesis got approved by my teacher (i only have to make minor amendments)... and my roomie's birthday dinner at friday's... whoo... what a day...
and then exams are coming up... and these are the days i hate... haha...
ps. and i changed the background song from elva hsiao to "kiss me" by sixpence none the richer
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